Τουλάχιστον 12 άνθρωποι βρήκαν τον θάνατο και δεκάδες άλλοι τραυματίσθηκαν από έκρηξη ενός παγιδευμένου με εκρηκτικά αυτοκινήτου έξω από νοσοκομείο της Βεγγάζης στην ανατολική Λιβύη, σύμφωνα με αυτόπτες μάρτυρες και τις αρχές ασφαλείας.
Η έκρηξη αυτή έρχεται να προστεθεί σε μια σειρά βομβιστικών ενεργειών που έχουν σημειωθεί στην πόλη τις τελευταίες δύο ημέρες, οι οποίες έλαβαν χώρα πολύ κοντά σε αστυνομικά τμήματα, χωρίς ωστόσο να αναφερθούν θύματα.
- Massive blast outside hospital in Benghazi, Libya, up to 17 dead
At least 17 people, including three children, were killed and another 30 injured when a car bomb exploded in crowded area outside a hospital in Benghazi, Libya.
Libya’s Defense Ministry reported that 17 people died in the blast, shortly after Libyan Deputy Interior Minister Abdullah Massoud confirmed 15 deaths.
“Fifteen people have been killed and at least 30 were wounded in the explosion of a car bomb near the hospital," Deputy Interior Minister Massoud said.
Libyan security official Abdel-Salam al-Barghathi said the car bomb was parked outside a bakery near the city's main hospital, AP reported.
"I saw people running and some of them were collecting parts of bodies," Reuters quoted a witness as saying.
The Facebook community OnlyLibya has posted a clip that it claims was taken at the scene of the blast.
No group has claimed responsibility for the Benghazi bombing, which is considered to be the cradle of the revolution that ousted longtime Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Witnesses wrote on Twitter that the hospital bombing appeared different in nature from the attacks on Benghazi police stations witnessed in recent days, as the attack targeted a public place, not law enforcement.
The car bombing near the hospital is the latest in a string of attacks across the country in recent weeks.
A bomb exploded outside a police station in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on May 10. The blast damaged the building and shattered the windows of a nearby school, causing no injuries. A Benghazi police station was also bombed on May 10, and no injuries were reported.
Another explosion destroyed a police station in Benghazi on May 2; there were no reports of any victims.
A car bomb exploded at the French Embassy in the Libyan capital Tripoli on April 23. Two guards and a woman were injured.
Σε επιφυλακή οι ΗΠΑ εάν οι συνθήκες ασφαλείας στη Λιβύη επιδεινωθούν....
ReplyDeleteΟι ΗΠΑ έχουν θέσει σε επιφυλακή τις ένοπλες δυνάμεις τους προκειμένου να επέμβουν εάν υπάρξει απειλή κατά του διπλωματικού τους προσωπικού στη Λιβύη, λίγους μήνες μετά την αιματηρή επίθεση ενάντια στο προξενείο της στην πόλη Βεγγάζη, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα εκπρόσωπος του Πενταγώνου.
«Είμαστε έτοιμοι ν’ απαντήσουμε εάν επιδεινωθούν οι συνθήκες, ή όταν μας το ζητήσουν. Έχουμε μετακινήσει στρατιωτικό προσωπικό κι εξοπλισμό», δήλωσε ο εκπρόσωπος Τζορτζ Λιτλ.
Οι στρατιωτικές αυτές δυνάμεις που έχουν σταλεί για να ασφαλίσουν τους τοπικούς διπλωμάτες, ή για να καλύψουν την απομάκρυνση των Αμερικανών διπλωματών, βρίσκονται με το όπλο παρά πόδα στην Ιταλική βάση της Σιγκονέλα, στη Σικελία, πρόσθεσε ο Λιτλ.
Ο ίδιος επιβεβαίωσε πως ένα τμήμα των δυνάμεων αυτών προέρχεται από την ισπανική βάση Μορόν, όπου είχε μεταφερθεί πρόσφατα μία επίλεκτη μονάδα 500 πεζοναυτών με αεροσκάφη καθέτου απογειώσεως MV-22 Osprey, καθώς και ένας στόλος αεροσκαφών ανεφοδιασμού.
Το Πεντάγωνο έχει αποτελέσει τον στόχο επικρίσεων κατά τους τελευταίους μήνες για την αδυναμία του να αποστείλει έγκαιρα μία δύναμη ταχείας επέμβασης για να αντιμετωπισθεί η επίθεση κατά του προξενείου στη Βεγγάζη, στην οποία έχασαν τη ζωή τους τέσσερις Αμερικανοί, μεταξύ αυτών κι ο πρέσβης στη Λιβύη.
US moving 200 marines to Sicily for Libya....
Italy on Wednesday said the United States was transferring 200 marines and two planes to its base at Sigonella in Sicily to deploy in Libya in case US diplomats come under attack as they did last year.
Speaking in parliament after leftist lawmakers complained they had not been told about the deployment, Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said the transfer was "in accordance with bilateral agreements" between Italy and the United States.
"This is a reinforcement for the security of US personnel in Libya or for possible evacuations," she told parliament, adding that 75 marines would arrive first followed by 125 more as well as two additional military planes.
Sigonella is both a US Navy installation and an Italian air force base.
The Pentagon this week said the US was stationing extra military elements at Sigonella to protect or evacuate diplomats in Libya if necessary, saying they would come from an air base in Spain where 500 marines were recently deployed.
Armed insurgents set fire to the main US consular facility in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 and then attacked a nearby CIA annex.
Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed.
The Pentagon has since faced criticism by those who said it should have been able to more quickly mobilise forces to thwart the attack.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/May-15/217209-us-moving-200-marines-to-sicily-for-libya-italy.ashx#ixzz2TNJZIpw9
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)
Cyrenaica Region of Libya announces of the creation of its own government...
ReplyDeleteThe area to the east of Libya - Cyrenaica, the self-proclaimed autonomy, announced of the creation of its own government.
A cabinet of 24 ministers was presented in Ajdabiya, reported the agency ANSA on Thursday night. As announced, the autonomous government will represent interests of all the cities and social groups living on the territory of Cyrenaica. The autonomy includes four municipalities: Benghazi, Jebal Akhdar (Green Mountain), Tobruk and Ajdabiya. The uprising against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi began in Cyrenaica with the creation of the National Transitional Council of Libya in Benghazi. The autonomous status of Cyrenaica was declared illegitimate by the authorities in Tripoli. The Libyan Federalists have in turn, accused the government for speculations in oil, being extracted from their oil rich region. Since the end of July, in Cyrenaica, work on deposits is being sabotaged, which has led to the reduction of production volumes to minimum levels.
Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2013_10_25/Cyrenaica-Region-of-Libya-announces-of-the-creation-of-its-own-government-6563/