Foreign Secretary William Hague warns Assad 'no options off the table', tells parliament there is a real risk that the Assad regime will not negotiate seriously.
Britain warned Syrian President Bashar Assad on Monday that "no option is off the table" over the possible arming of Syrian rebels and said it would press the European Union to make further changes to its weapons embargo.
In a statement to parliament, Foreign Secretary William Hague said the EU should rethink its embargo on sending weapons to Syria, even if it holds back from making an immediate decision on whether to arm the opposition to Assad.
"We must make clear that if the regime does not negotiate seriously at the Geneva conference, no option is off the table, Hague said. "There remains a serious risk that the Assad regime will not negotiate seriously."
Assad has poured scorn on new plans for peace talks announced by the United States and Russia two weeks ago and planned for Geneva in early June.
An entire package of European sanctions against Syria expires on June 1. Hague said the collapse of Syria was moving closer each week and that this would lead to a "regional catastrophe".
"The case for further amendments to the arms embargo on Syria is compelling in order to increase the pressure on the regime," he said.
Britain warned Syrian President Bashar Assad on Monday that "no option is off the table" over the possible arming of Syrian rebels and said it would press the European Union to make further changes to its weapons embargo.
In a statement to parliament, Foreign Secretary William Hague said the EU should rethink its embargo on sending weapons to Syria, even if it holds back from making an immediate decision on whether to arm the opposition to Assad.
"We must make clear that if the regime does not negotiate seriously at the Geneva conference, no option is off the table, Hague said. "There remains a serious risk that the Assad regime will not negotiate seriously."
Assad has poured scorn on new plans for peace talks announced by the United States and Russia two weeks ago and planned for Geneva in early June.
An entire package of European sanctions against Syria expires on June 1. Hague said the collapse of Syria was moving closer each week and that this would lead to a "regional catastrophe".
"The case for further amendments to the arms embargo on Syria is compelling in order to increase the pressure on the regime," he said.
Interview: Bashar al-Assad on Syria and the international community – video (English Subtitles)
Outrage at Syrian rebel shown 'eating soldier's heart'
Η Ρωσία έχει ήδη πουλήσει σύστημα αντιαεροπορικής τεχνολογίας στη Συρία
Russian FM opposes time restriction on the Conference on Syria....
ReplyDeleteRussian Foreign Minister Lavrov said time restriction on Geneva II Conference on Syria would harm solution process.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that time restraint on the 2nd nternational Conference on Syria in Geneva due in June would harm the solution process as a counterproductive attitude.
Speaking to the Russian state-owned newspaper "Rossiyskaya Gazeta," Russian FM Lavrov noted that he disagreed with his American counterpart John Kerry's statement that "A couple of weeks are enough for Geneva II process."
"Time restriction on the Syrian issue will harm the solution process. Time restriction on theGeneva II talks on Syria is counterproductive," said Lavrov.
Reminding the Dayton Treaty taking years, signed to end the Bosnian War, Lavrov set the example of the Lebanese peace process saying "The peace conferences could take months and even years. I don't want the same for the Syrian issue. I consider a time restriction is definitely counterproductive."
Geneva I Conference on Syria, held in late June last year, recognized the need for a transition government with full executive authority by mutual consent. The meeting resulted in the agreement between Russia, Syria's important ally, and the Western countries, after months of disagreement, on forming a Syrian government including elements from the present government and the opposition and other groups and formed on the basis of mutual consent".
Интервью Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова «Российской Газете», 20 мая 2013 года....
ReplyDeleteВопрос: За последние два месяца, Сергей Викторович, вы уже четыре раза встречались с Госсекретарем США Дж.Керри. Что это? Речь идет исключительно о переговорах по ситуации в Сирии? Или все же российско-американские отношения вновь набирают оборот?
С.В.Лавров: Да, действительно, прошли четыре встречи. А с момента назначения Дж.Керри Госсекретарем США это были пятые по счету переговоры.
Мы рассматриваем все аспекты наших отношений, начиная с подробнейшего обсуждения двусторонней повестки дня, заканчивая, разумеется, взаимодействием в различных международных форматах. В Вашингтоне не скрывают, что хотели бы организовать вторую полномасштабную международную конференцию по Сирии до саммита «большой восьмерки», который запланирован на вторую половину июня.
Вопрос: Не станет ли эта конференция ловушкой для России? Ведь у организованного впопыхах «мозгового штурма» по Сирии вряд ли получится с ходу найти выход из сложнейшего сирийского кризиса. А в случае неудачи американцы затем скажут: «Вот, Россия хотела мирных переговоров - мы их провели. Однако ничего не получилось. Теперь давайте действовать по-нашему». То есть приступят к реализации военного сценария.
С.В.Лавров: «Ловушка» может оказаться таковой только, если действовать поспешно. Когда договаривались 7 мая в Москве выступить с подобной инициативой, мы четко обусловили проведение этого мероприятия самой тщательной подготовкой. Я читаю репортажи ваших коллег, к примеру, глава МИД Франции Л.Фабиус заявляет: «Организация конференции настолько непростая задача, что сначала потребуется провести целый ряд промежуточных встреч». Не знаю, будут ли это встречи или какие-то другие мероприятия, но то, что изначально нужно договориться о каких-то параметрах, - факт.
Начнем с того, что нужно согласие самых главных заинтересованных сторон. Правительство Сирии заявило, что готово, и в целом отреагировало конструктивно, хотя и с подозрением относительно того, захочет ли оппозиция договариваться без предварительных условий, как это предусмотрено Женевским коммюнике. Основная же часть оппозиции в лице «Национальной коалиции сирийских революционных и оппозиционных сил», на которую делают ставку наши западные партнеры, заявила, что готова на любые мирные инициативы, если только Президент Сирии Б.Асад сразу уйдет. И лишь потом они будут обсуждать эти мирные инициативы. Внутренняя оппозиция, в частности, «Национальный координационный комитет», который работает в Сирии, однозначно сказал, что готов участвовать. Как вытекает из нашей с Дж.Керри инициативы, мы убеждены, что необходимо начать переговоры по реализации Женевского коммюнике между правительством и группами оппозиции во множественном числе.
Таким образом, первый аспект заключается в том, что на конференции должны быть представлены все группы сирийской оппозиции. В том числе и те, которые действуют за пределами Сирии, а это не только «Национальная коалиция сирийских революционных и оппозиционных сил». Оппозиционных групп десятки, и каждая имеет свой, если хотите, «электорат». Есть оппозиция, которая никогда не выезжала из Сирии и разделяла все тяготы своего народа. Эта часть оппозиции не может быть уличена в том, что ее представители десятилетиями спокойно жили в Европе, а потом решили вдруг прийти к власти. Повторю, вся оппозиция должна быть представлена. Мы этим занимаемся, посылаем сигналы всем оппозиционерам. На каких-то из них мы имеем больше влияния, на других - меньше. На некоторых гораздо большее влияние имеют Запад, страны Персидского залива и Турция. Поэтому должно быть «разделение труда». Это общая работа, и каждый должен делать свою часть......
Κάλεσμα Λαβρόφ στη συριακή αντιπολίτευση να μην θέτει προαπαιτούμενα....
ReplyDeleteΜε αφορμή τις πρόσφατες απαιτήσεις της συριακής αντιπολίτευσης, για την αποχώρηση του προέδρου Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ από την εξουσία, ο Ρώσος υπουργός Εξωτερικών ζήτησε να μην θέτουν προαπαιτούμενα.
Συγκεκριμένα ο κ. Σεργκέι Λαβρόφ σημείωσε ότι είναι «ζωτικής σημασίας για τους εκπροσώπους της συριακής αντιπολίτευσης το να λάβουν μέρος σε μια ειρηνευτική διάσκεψη χωρίς να θέσουν οιοδήποτε προαπαιτούμενο».
Ο κ. Λαβρόφ επανέλαβε εξάλλου ότι το Ιράν θα πρέπει να είναι μεταξύ των εθνών που θα προσκληθούν στη διάσκεψη την οποία η Ρωσία και οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες προσπαθούν να οργανώσουν για την αναζήτηση λύσης στην σύγκρουση που διαρκεί πλέον πάνω από δυο χρόνια και έχει προκαλέσει το θάνατο τουλάχιστον 80.000 ανθρώπων.
Austria: Peacekeepers may leave Golan if EU arms rebels....
ReplyDeleteVIENNA - Austria may pull its peacekeeping troops from the Golan Heights, evacuating the UN buffer zone, its defense minister warned on Tuesday, as Syria and Israel exchanged fire across a long dormant frontline.
Vienna's warning was aimed at Britain and other allies which want to help Syrian rebels by lifting an EU arms embargo - doing so, minister Gerald Klug told Reuters, would rob Austrian troops of their neutrality in a Syrian conflict that has already seen foreign peacekeepers come under fire and some even held hostage.
He stopped short of saying an end to the EU arms ban would automatically prompt the departure of the 380 Austrian soldiers.
L'UE autorise les livraisons d'armes aux rebelles syriens ....
ReplyDeleteactualisé Les pays européens devaient trouver un consensus sur la question avant vendredi, jour de la levée des mesures actuellement en vigueur.
Les ministres européens des Affaires étrangères ont décidé lundi soir à Bruxelles de lever l’embargo sur les armes pour les rebelles syriens tout en maintenant l’ensemble des sanctions prises depuis deux ans contre le régime de Bachar al-Assad. Cette décision va dans le sens de la Grande-Bretagne et de la France, les deux seuls pays de l’UE qui réclamaient depuis plusieurs mois la possibilité de fournir des armes aux forces de l’opposition modérée.
«Ce soir, l’UE a décidé de mettre fin à l’embargo sur les armes pour l’opposition syrienne et de maintenir les autres sanctions contre le régime syrien», a déclaré le ministre britannique William Hague à l’issue de la réunion, en milieu de nuit. «C’est le résultat que souhaitait la Grande-Bretagne». Il s’agit «de la bonne décision» car elle «envoie un message très fort de l’Europe au régime d’Assad».
Hague a cependant affirmé que son pays n’avait pas l’intention d’envoyer «dans l’immédiat» des armes aux rebelles. La levée de l’embargo «nous donne la possibilité de le faire si la situation se détériore», selon lui......
'No decision' on arming Syrian rebels, British foreign secretary William Hague says....
ReplyDeleteDOHA: British foreign secretary William Hague said on Saturday that his government had taken "no decision" to provide arms to Syrian rebels, ahead of a "Friends of Syria" meeting expected to discuss military aid.
"On the much debated question of whether we should give lethal aid of any kind to the Syrian opposition, the position remains the same — we have taken no decision to do that," he told reporters in the Qatari capital Doha.
Hague said any such decision would have to be debated in parliament.
He said that Britain's main goals remain to "deliver more humanitarian aid" and "promote a political solution."
"At the end, there is only a political solution for the conflict. We want to see a successful conference in Geneva," he said, referring to a joint US and Russian proposal for a peace conference in the Swiss city.
UK parliament wins veto over any decision to arm Syrian rebels...
ReplyDeleteBritain’s parliament backed a motion on Thursday requiring Prime Minister David Cameron to give it a veto over any future move to arm Syrian rebels, in a symbolic vote the government said it would heed.
Britain says it has not yet taken any decision to arm rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, but its role in helping to lift a European Union arms embargo on Syria in May fuelled speculation it was planning to do just that.
The lower house of parliament voted by 114-1 to back a motion requiring the government to seek its “explicit prior consent” for any future decision to provide lethal assistance.
Though symbolic, the move is significant as it means Cameron will find it almost impossible not to give parliament a vote on the issue, something government sources say would amount to an effective veto over any decision to supply arms.
Ministers expect the 650-member lower house to vote against sending arms if the issue arises, said one government source.
Many lawmakers in Cameron’s Conservative Party say they are worried a decision to arm the moderate opposition in Syria would escalate and widen the conflict and risk weapons falling into the hands of Islamist extremists......
U.S., Britain suspend aid to north Syria after Islamists seize weapons store...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - The United States and Britain suspended non-lethal aid to northern Syria after Islamist fighters seized Western-backed rebel weapons warehouses, highlighting fears that supplies could end up in the wrong hands and the general chaos engulfing the nation.
The rebel Free Syrian Army fighting President Bashar al-Assad said the U.S. and British moves were rushed and mistaken. "We hope our friends will rethink and wait for a few days when things will be clearer," FSA spokesman Louay Meqdad said.
The suspension underlines a crisis for the FSA leadership which needs international backing to reinforce its credibility and to stop its fighters joining powerful al Qaeda-backed Islamist militants who now dominate the war with Assad.
The United States and Britain have in the past offered radios, body armor, medical supplies, money and food to rebels fighting Assad, but a U.S. embassy spokesman in Turkey declined to give details of what supplies may have been halted.
Fighters from the Islamic Front, which groups six major rebel brigades and which said last week it had quit the FSA, seized headquarters of the Syrian Military Council, nominally in charge of the FSA, and weapons warehouses at the Bab al-Hawa crossing on Syria's northwestern border with Turkey.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based anti-Assad monitoring group, said the Islamic Front had seized dozens of 'Shilka' anti-aircraft weapons and anti-tank rockets from the SMC arms stores in fighting on Friday and Saturday.
The Islamic Front's battlefield success in capturing the weapons stores could undermine SMC assurances to the United States that no supplies sent to their fighters would fall into the hands of Islamist brigades.
The U.S. embassy spokesman in Ankara said the situation was being investigated "to inventory the status of U.S. equipment and supplies provided to the SMC".
"As a result of this situation the United States has suspended all further deliveries of non-lethal assistance into northern Syria," the spokesman said.
Five rebel fighters were killed in the clashes at Bab al-Hawa but it was not clear which side they were on.
American aid, including trucks, ambulances and "meals ready to eat food", reaches Syria overland through Turkey.
U.S. officials said in the summer that they had developed a system of distribution using SMC operatives that would ensure the aid reached U.S.-allied groups. The United States has been concerned the non-lethal aid should not reach Islamists.......
Russia continues sending relief aid to Syrian population, the Russian Foreign Ministry...
ReplyDeleteMOSCOW, December 11. /ITAR-TASS/. The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that Russia would continue sending relief aid to Syria.
Two Russian Emergencies Ministry planes delivered 35 tonnes of relief aid to Latakia on Tuesday.
“The relief cargo included tents, blankets, food and medical supplies and other essentials,” the Russian Foreign Ministry clarified.
“Russian nationals who permanently reside in Syria and their families took a return flight to Moscow. The plane also took onboard citizens of several CIS countries (a total of 37 people),” the Ministry went on to say.
“Russia will continue rendering various forms of humanitarian assistance to the Syrian population that has to endure the toils of an armed conflict,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said, adding that help would be sent to internally displaced people in Syria and Syrian refugees in neighboring countries,” the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized.