Saturday, May 11, 2013

Deadly blasts hit Turkish town near Syria .... At least 18 people killed and 22 wounded after series of car bombs in Reyhanli in southern province of Hatay.

Two car bombs have hit a Turkish town near the border with Syria, killing 18 people and injuring 22 others, local media have reported.
Turkish channel NTV said Saturday’s explosions targeted Reyhanli in the southern Turkish province of Hatay, just a few kilometres from the main border crossing into Syria.
Muammer Guler, Turkey's Interior Minister, said a series of blasts had been caused by car bombs.

Two vehicles packed with explosives blew up near the town hall and the post office in Reyhanli, Anatolia news agency quoted the minister as saying. 

The news came as Syrian troops fought rebels in a bid to take back a key supply route linking the centre of the country to Aleppo in the north, a monitoring group said.

"Fierce battles raged pitting troops against rebels. Regime troops fought to reopen the road linking Hama to Aleppo,"
Rami Abdul Rahman, the director for the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told the AFP news agency.

Key supply route

Rebels cut off the road, referred to as the Desert Road, on Thursday. The army had been using it as its main supply route to Aleppo province, large swathes of which are under rebels' control.
Last March, the army's command had announced "the return of safety and security" to villages located on the road.
Saturday's violence comes a day after at least 95 people were killed across Syria, said the Observatory.

Among them were 32 civilians, 45 rebels and 18 troops.
Meanwhile, Russia said on Saturday there was disagreement over who should represent the opposition in a Syrian peace process.
The revelation came only days after Moscow and the United States announced a joint effort to bring government and rebels to an international conference. 
The dispute bodes ill for a civil war in which more than 70,000 people, mostly civilians, have died, and that has left foreign powers looking increasingly helpless.
A senior Kremlin official who attended talks on Friday between President Vladimir Putin and David Cameron, the British prime minister, said it would be impossible to meet a target of holding the conference by the end of May.
John Kerry, the US secretary of state, and Sergei Lavrov, his Russian counterpart, tried to free a two-year diplomatic logjam on Tuesday by saying they would seek to organise a conference, ideally this month.
The Russian official said there was broad agreement that the situation in Syria was dire. "Beyond that there are very many differences: who can take part in this format, who is legitimate and who is not legitimate," the state-run Itar-Tass agency quoted him as saying, on condition of anonymity.


  1. Blasts in Reyhanli town of southern province of Hatay....Number of people killed in Reyhanli blasts rises to 18, says Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Guler....

    MARDIN (AA) - Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Guler said number of people killed in Reyhanli blasts on Saturday rises to 18.

    The blasts took place in Turkey's Reyhanli town of the southern province of Hatay.

    Individuals who were wounded in Saturday's blasts in Reyhanli town of the southern province of Hatay are being taken to hospitals in Reyhanli and Hatay.

    Search and rescue operations underway in Reyhanli at the site of the blasts

    Search and rescue operations are underway in the southern town of Reyhanli to save individuals who may be under rubble following two separate blasts earlier in the day.
    At least eight motor vehicles and a large number of buildings have been destroyed as a result of the blasts.
    Wounded residents of Reyhanli town have been taken to hospitals in Reyhanli, Kirikhan and surrounding towns.
    Security experts are investigating the cause of the blasts.

    A large number of medical personnel and police officers have been dispatched to the site of the Reyhanli blasts.

    Wounded individuals are being taken to hospitals in ambulances.
    Reyhanli Municipality building, many other buildings and motor vehicles have been damaged due to the blasts.
    Tight security measures have been taken in the region.

    15 ambulances reach site of blasts, said Turkish health minister

    Turkish Health Minister Mehmet Muezzinoglu said that at least 15 ambulances reached the site of the blasts in Reyhanli town of the southern province of Hatay.
    Speaking to reporters in Mardin province, Muezzinoglu said that an ambulance helicopter and two ambulance planes were getting prepared to be dispatched to Reyhanli.

    Muammer Guler learned about the blasts during a visit to the south-eastern province of Mardin and while he was at lunch with Turkish Health Minister Mehmet Muezzinoglu and journalists.

    Speaking to reporters in Mardin, Guler said that two blasts took place in front of the Reyhanli Municipality building at 13.55 hours.
    The blasts took place in two separate cars, Guler said.
    "Our (Hatay) Governor is on his way to the site of the blasts. Security forces have been dispatched to the site of the blasts," Guler underlined.
    "I am making preparations to visit the site of the blasts in the shortest time possible. An investigation into the blasts is underway," Guler also said.

  2. Turkish security forces conducting an investigation, says Erdogan....

    Turkish PM Erdogan said Turkish security forces are conducting an investigation into the Reyhanli blasts

    - May 11, 2013
    - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said that Turkish security forces were conducting an investigation into the blasts in Reyhanli town which took place earlier in the day.

    Speaking to reporters in Istanbul, Erdogan underlined "I want my brothers in Reyhanli to understand that the process we are going through is a sensitive one. Those who can not accept the solution process in Turkey may get involved in incidents as today's in Reyhanli."
    "According to latest reports, 20 people were killed while around 46 were wounded in the Reyhanli blasts.The number of casualties may rise," Erdogan said.
    "Hatay is a province by the Syrian border and carries sensitivity. Around 20-25 thousand Syrians live here in camps as our guests. Certain steps as in Reyhanli today may be taken to affect the sensitivity in Hatay by those not willing to accept the status quo," Erdogan also said.

  3. Turkish Deputy PM: Assad gov't 'usual suspects' in blasts....

    Syrian President Bashar Assad's government are the "usual suspects" behind car bombs in Turkey on Saturday that killed 40 people and wounded 100 more, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said.

    Arinc also told reporters in comments broadcast live that Turkey must wait for the results of an investigation before deciding on any response.

    The blasts occurred in the town of Reyhanli close to the border and home to many of the more than 300,000 refugees who have sought shelter from the uprising against Assad that erupted in Syria in March 2011.

  4. Νταβούτογλου: Η Τουρκία θα λάβει μέτρα....

    «Κανείς δεν πρέπει να δοκιμάζει την δύναμη της Τουρκίας. Οι δυνάμεις ασφαλείας της χώρας θα λάβουν τα κατάλληλα μέτρα», τόνισε ο Νταβούτογλου από το Βερολίνο όπου πραγματοποιεί διήμερη επίσκεψη.

    Η Τουρκία θα λάβει τα κατάλληλα μέτρα για να προστατευτεί, δήλωσε σήμερα ο τούρκος υπουργός Εξωτερικών Αχμέτ Νταβούτογλου, μετά τις επιθέσεις με παγιδευμένα αυτοκίνητα στο κέντρο μικρής τουρκικής πόλης κοντά στα σύνορα με την Συρία.

    Οι επιθέσεις με παγιδευμένα αυτοκίνητα που προκάλεσαν το θάνατο σε τουλάχιστον 20 ανθρώπους σε μικρή τουρκική πόλη κοντά στα σύνορα με την Συρία μπορεί να σχετίζονται με την συριακή κρίση ή με την ειρηνευτική διαδικασία ανάμεσα στην Άγκυρα και τους κούρδους αντάρτες, δήλωσε ο πρωθυπουργός Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν.

    «Ζούμε σε ευαίσθητους καιρούς, έχουμε μπει σε μια νέα εποχή στην διαδικασία επίλυσης του κουρδικού ζητήματος. Αυτοί που δεν μπορούν να αποδεχτούν τη νέα αυτή εποχή θα μπορούσαν να προχωρήσουν σε παρόμοιες πράξεις», τόνισε ο Ερντογάν.

    «Ένα άλλο ευαίσθητο θέμα είναι ότι η επαρχία Χατάι (όπου σημειώθηκαν οι επιθέσεις) βρίσκεται στα σύνορα με την Συρία. Οι πράξεις αυτές μπορεί να έγιναν για να προκαλέσουν» προβλήματα στα δύο αυτά ευαίσθητα θέματα, υπογράμμισε ο τούρκος πρωθυπουργός.

  5. Más de 40 muertos en un atentado en una localidad fronteriza entre Turquía y Siria....

    Al menos 40 personas han muerto este sábado y varias decenas han resultado heridas en varias explosiones en la frontera entre Turquía y Siria, ha confirmado el ministro turco de Interior a la televisión estatal.

    Aunque incialmente el gobierno turco se mantuvo prudente en torno a la posible autoría del ataque, unas horas después el viceprimer ministro turco aseguró que el régimen de Damasco es "sospechoso".

    Varios edificios resultaron gravemente dañados en las explosiones, que tuvieron lugar en Reyhanli (provincia de Hatay), situada muy cerca del paso fronterizo de Cilvegözü, por el que entran a Turquía muchos refugiados procedentes de Siria. En la zona se han registrado numerosos atentados en los últimos meses.

    "Dos coches estallaron frente al edificio de la municipalidad y de la oficina de correos en Reyhanli", ha declarado Muammer Güler, ministro del Interior. Uno de los edificios aledaños a las oficinas municipales se ha venido abajo por la explosión, que según algunos medios se produjo dentro de ese inmueble y no por los dos coches bomba mencionados por el ministro.

    El primer ministro turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ha intervenido ante la televisión estatal. "Hay alrededor de 20 muertos y 46 heridos, pero tenemos que tener en cuenta que muchas de las lesiones son graves, lo que significa que la cifra de muertos podría aumentar, lamentablemente", ha asegurado. Poco después, el ministro de Interior subió la cifra a 40 fallecidos.
    Protestas contra Damasco

    De momento se desconoce quién puede haber sido responsable del ataque.

    *****[Una de las hipótesis que manejan algunos medios turcos es que se ha tratado de una explosión accidental causada por miembros de la oposición siria mientras elaboraban explosivos de forma clandestina. El primer ministro turco ha dicho que tampoco se descarta la hipótesis de que haya sido obra de algún grupo contrario al proceso de paz con el PKK.]

    Tras la explosión, decenas de turcos se concentraron en el centro de la localidad para protestar contra el régimen sirio, al que responsabilizan de la explosión, según el diario 'Hurriyet'.

    Los policías turcos apenas han podido contener a los manifestantes y se han enviado refuerzos desde la capital provincial, Hatay, para rebajar la tensión, según la misma fuente.

  6. NATO Suriye'yi kınadı ....NATO Genel Sekreteri Rasmussen'den Reyhanlı'daki patlamaya ilişkin açıklama...

    NATO, Reyhanlı'daki patlamalar nedeniyle Suriye'yi kınadı. NATO Genel Sekreteri Rasmussen yaptığı açıklamada "Türk halkı ile dayanışma içindeyiz" dedi.

    1. NATO condemns the blasts.....Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen condemned the attacks in Hatay's Reyhanli town....

      BRUSSELS (AA) - Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Saturday condemned the attacks in Hatay's Reyhanli town.

      In a written statement released on Saturday, Rasmussen said he condemned the blasts which led to the killing of dozens and wounded many others in Reyhanli town.
      Such coward acts completely show disrespect to the lives of civilians, Rasmussen noted.
      Offering condolences to the families of the victims, Rasmussen said that they were in solidarity with the people of Turkey and Turkish officials.
      Meanwhile, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs William Hague, on his official Twitter account, said that Britain was by the Turkish people after today's blasts in Reyhanli.
      Two separate blasts in Reyhanli killed at least 40 people and wounded more than 100 on Saturday.

  7. Turkey blames Syria after car bombs kill dozens near border.....Deputy prime minister says Syrian regime's intelligence agency and armed groups are 'usual suspects' in attack on Reyhanli....

    The Turkish government has blamed Syria for the deaths of at least 40 people in two car bomb blasts in a town near the border with the country.

    The two bombs exploded within 15 minutes of each other in the centre of Reyhanli, which has become a hub for refugees leaving Syria and rebels entering it.

    The deputy prime minister, Bulent Arinc, said Syrian refugees were a frequent target of the Syrian regime. "Reyhanli was not chosen by coincidence. Our thoughts are that their intelligence agency and armed organisations are the usual suspects in planning and carrying out of such devilish plans," he said. Arinc added that Turkey would "do whatever is necessary" if it were proven that Syria was behind the attack.

    The Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, earlier also raised the possibility that the bombings may be related to Turkey's peace talks with Kurdish rebels meant to end a nearly 30-year-old conflict.

    Syrian mortar rounds have fallen over the border before, but if the explosion turns out to be linked to Syria it would be by far the biggest death toll in Turkey related to its neighbour's civil war.

    Syria shares more than 500 miles of border with Turkey, which has supported the Syrian rebel cause. Ankara has allowed its territory to be used as a logistics base and staging centre for Syrian insurgents.

    The foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, vowed from Berlin that Turkey would act. "Those who for whatever reason attempt to bring the external chaos into our country will get a response," he said.

    The main Syrian opposition group, the Syrian National Coalition, condemned the "terrorist attacks" in Reyhanli, saying it stood together with the "Turkish government and the friendly Turkish people".

    The coalition sees "these heinous terrorist acts as an attempt to take revenge on the Turkish people and punish them for their honourable support for the Syrian people", it said.

    Reyhanli is a centre for aid and weapon trafficking between Turkey and Syria, as well as for Syrian rebel activity. Apart from refugees living in camps, many Syrians escaping the civil war have also rented houses in the town.

  8. Blutbad in der Türkei.... Ankara macht Syrien für Anschläge verantwortlich...

    Nach den blutigen Bombenanschlägen in der türkischen Grenzstadt Reyhanli führen die Spuren laut Ankara nach Syrien. Die Attentäter sollen Kontakte zum Geheimdienst des Assad-Regimes haben.

    Die Türkei macht die syrische Führung unter Präsident Baschar al-Assad für die Anschläge in dem türkischen Grenzort Reyhanli mit mehr als 40 Toten verantwortlich. "Die Leute und die Organisation dahinter sind identifiziert", sagte der türkische Innenminister Muammer Güler am Samstag laut der Webseite des Fernsehsenders TRT. "Es ist erwiesen, dass sie Verbindungen zu Organisationen haben, die vom syrischen Regime und seinen Geheimdiensten unterstützt werden."

    Vize-Regierungschef Besir Atalay sagte demnach, die Attentäter seien für die Anschläge nicht direkt aus Syrien gekommen, sondern hätten sich schon in der Türkei befunden. Atalays Angaben zufolge starben mindestens 43 Menschen, als am Mittag zwei mit Sprengstoff präparierte Fahrzeuge vor dem Rathaus und dem Postgebäude der 60. 000-Einwohner-Stadt explodierten. Rund hundert Menschen wurden verletzt.

    Wenige Kilometer von Reyhanli entfernt befindet sich der von syrischen Rebellen kontrollierte Grenzposten Bab al-Hawa und der türkische Übergang Cilvegözü, auf den schon im Februar ein Autobombenanschlag mit 17 Toten verübt wurde. Für das Attentat machte Ankara den syrischen Geheimdienst verantwortlich.

  9. Patlamalar Suriye'yle bağlantılı....

    Başbakan Yardımcısı Atalay Reyhanlı'daki patlamaları gerçekleştirenlerin Suriye'deki rejim yanlısı El Muhaberat örgütüyle bağlantılı olduğunu bildirdi.


    Başbakan Yardımcısı Beşir Atalay, beraberindeki İçişleri Bakanı Muammer Güler, Sağlık Bakanı Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, Adalet Bakanı Sadullah Ergin ve Emniyet Genel Müdürü Mehmet Kılıçlar ile valilik binasında düzenlediği basın toplantısında, Reyhanlı ilçesindeki Atatürk Meydanında 5 dakika arayla 2 patlamanın meydana geldiğini hatırlattı.

    Patlamalardan birinin meydanda, diğerinin postane binası önünde gerçekleştiğini belirten Atalay, şunları söyledi:

    "Bu meydan vatandaşlarımızın çok yoğun olarak bulunduğu bir meydan. Cumartesi günü öğleden sonra, tatil günü, çok fazla sayıda insanın bulunduğu bir yer. Bu yüzden çok fazla can kaybımız ve yaralımız var. Meydana gelen patlamalarda büyük çoğunluğu vatandaşlarımız olmak üzere şu ana kadar 43 kişi hayatını kaybetmiştir. Halen yaralılarımız var. 100'ün üzerinde yaralımız ayakta tedavi edilmiştir.

    Halen 53 yaralımız uygun sağlık merkezlerinde tedavi edilmekte. Bunlardan bir kısmı civar illerde. Ankara'ya, İstanbul'a gönderilenler de olmuştur. Ambulans uçaklarımız da dahil tüm imkanlarımız seferber edilmiştir. Tabii ki idari makamlar ve güvenlik güçlerimiz tarafından gerekli önlemler alınmış olup, olayda hayatını kaybedenlerin kimlik tespit çalışmaları da yapılıyor. Şu ana kadar 18 kişinin kimliği tespit edildi, diğerleriyle ilgili de çalışmalar devam ediyor."

    Suriye bağlantılı

    Olayı gerçekleştirenlerle ilgili çalışmaların da büyük oranda bittiğini ifade eden Atalay, "Olayın faillerinin tespitiyle ilgili çalışmalar büyük oranda tamamlanmıştır. Saldırıyı düzenleyen örgüt ve mensuplarının Suriye'deki rejim yanlısı El Muhaberat örgütüyle bağlantılı oldukları belirlenmiştir. Örgüt de bellidir, kişiler de büyük oranda bellidir. Plaka tespitleri vesaire yapılmıştır. Menfur hadisenin Suriyeli sığınmacılarla, Suriye muhalefeti ve Suriyeli sığınmacılarla ilgisinin olmadığı kesindir" diye konuştu.

    Tüm imkanlarını seferber edildiğini ve yapılması gereken tüm işlemlerin yapıldığını vurgulayan Atalay, "Bu acı olay tabi ki hepimizi çok üzmüştür. Şiddetle kınıyoruz. Gereken yapılacak, onların cezaları da verilecek" dedi.

    Tespitlerimiz Türkiye içinden

    Atalay, patlama öncesinde önlem alınıp alınmadığı yönündeki bir soruyu da "Cilvegözü olayından sonra özellikle sınır kapılarımızda çok fazla tedbir alındı. Araç giriş çıkışlarıyla ilgili çok fazla tedbirler alındı, halen tedbirler sürüyor. Ama bu olayın sınırdan mı geldiği, buradan mı olduğu tabi konuşuldu sizin sorunuzla ilgili. Bizim şimdiki tespitlerimiz Türkiye içinden" diye yanıtladı......

  10. Egypt, Greece and Iran condemn blasts in Reyhanli....

    Turkish fm Davutoglu received condolences of his Egyptian, Greek and Iranian counterparts


    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu received condolences of his Egyptian, Greek and Iranian counterparts.

    Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamil Amr, Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopulos and Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salihi condemned the blasts in Reyhanli and conveyed condolences to Davutoglu via phone.

    1. Δήλωση ΥΠΕΞ Δ. Αβραμόπουλου για τις πολύνεκρες βομβιστικές επιθέσεις στην Τουρκία....

      Κυριακή, 12 Μάιος 2013

      Ο Υπουργός Εξωτερικών Δημήτρης Αβραμόπουλος έκανε την ακόλουθη δήλωση σχετικά με τις βομβιστικές επιθέσεις που σημειώθηκαν, χθες, στην πόλη Ρεϊχανλί, κοντά στα σύνορα της Τουρκίας με τη Συρία:

      «Εκφράζουμε τον αποτροπιασμό και την απερίφραστη καταδίκη μας για τις τρομοκρατικές πολύνεκρες βομβιστικές επιθέσεις στην τουρκική πόλη Ρεϊχανλί, οι οποίες προκάλεσαν το θάνατο και τον τραυματισμό δεκάδων αθώων πολιτών.

      Στον πόλεμο κατά της τρομοκρατίας είμαστε όλοι αλληλέγγυοι.

      Εκφράζουμε συλλυπητήρια στις οικογένειες των θυμάτων, την αλληλεγγύη και συμπαράστασή μας στον τουρκικό λαό, αυτές τις δύσκολες ώρες».

  11. Assailants identified in Turkey bombings, interior minister says...

    Turkish interior minister said pro-Syrian administration groups and intelligence organizations in Syria are behind double car bombings in Reyhanli town


    Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Guler on Saturday said that they have detected the organization and individuals responsible for today's deadly blasts in Reyhanli town.

    Speaking at a press conference at the Hatay Governor's Office, Guler stated they confirmed the organization and individuals responsible for the deadly blasts were associated with pro-Syrian administration groups and the intelligence organizations in Syria.
    Guler underlined that reports on a third blast in Reyhanli on Saturday did not reflect the reality.
    There was no third blast, Guler added.
    Death toll from the Reyhanli blasts rose to 43 on Saturday.

  12. Ankara: Spur der Anschläge führt nach Syrien....

    Nach den blutigen Bombenanschlägen in der türkischen Grenzstadt Reyhanli führen die Spuren nach Angaben aus Ankara zum syrischen Regime. Die Attentäter hätten Kontakte zum syrischen Geheimdienst, zitierten türkische Medien am Samstag Vizeregierungschef Besir Atalay. Die Organisation der Täter und ihre Hintermänner seien weitgehend bekannt. Zugleich sei völlig klar, dass syrische Flüchtlinge nicht hinter der Tat steckten.

    Bei der Explosion zweier Autobomben waren mindestens 42 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Zudem gab es 140 Verletzte. Es handelt sich um den bislang schwersten Zwischenfall auf türkischer Seite der Grenze seit Beginn des Aufstandes gegen Präsident Baschar al-Assad im März 2011 im Nachbarland. Die Türkei steht auf der Seite der syrischen Aufständischen und hat zahlreiche Flüchtlinge aus Syrien untergebracht. Erst jüngst hatte Ankara den Kurs gegen Damaskus noch einmal verschärft. Reyhanli ist nicht weit entfernt vom Grenzübergang Cilvegözü, über den viele Flüchtlinge aus Syrien in die Türkei kommen......,7151782,22741706.html

  13. Attentats à la frontière Syrie-Turquie: neuf suspects interpellés.....

    Trois explosions à Reyhanli ont tué au moins 46 personnes samedi. Le vice-Premier ministre turc n'a pas précisé qui étaient ces suspects, mais assure qu'il y a déjà eu des aveux.

    Au lendemain de trois attentats qui ont coûté la vie à au moins 46 personnes, le gouvernement turc a annoncé avoir interpellé neuf suspects, tous ensuite placés en garde à vue.

    "Pour l'instant, neuf personnes ont été placées en garde à vue en lien avec les attaques, il y a des aveux", a déclaré le vice-Premier ministre turc, Besir Atalay lors d'une conférence de presse, sans préciser l'identité de ces suspects.

    Une série d'explosion a fait samedi des dizaines de victimes dans la ville de Reyhanli, proche de la frontière avec la Syrie.

    Les regards se sont tournés vers Damas, où Bachar el-Assad s'accroche au pouvoir. Son régime aurait pu tenter de déstabiliser un voisin qui accueille des centaines de milliers de réfugiés depuis le début de la guerre civile. Mais le ministre de l'Intérieur turc privilégie lui la piste kurde.

    Toutes les capitales occidentales ont condamné ces attentats, à commencer par Paris.

  14. Turkey arrests 9 people over deadly bombing....

    ANKARA, May 12 (Xinhua)

    -- Turkey has arrested nine Turks over the deadly bombings in the town of Reyhanli near the border with Syria, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay told reporters on Sunday.

    The twin car bombings on Saturday killed at least 46 people and injured over 100 in Reyhanli, where thousands of Syrian refugees took shelter.

    Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Guler confirmed the arrest, saying one of the nine suspects was the mastermind of the attack.

    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu also said that those involved were thought to have staged another attack on the Syrian coastal town of Banias a week ago, in which at least 62 people were killed.

    On Saturday, Atalay said an initial investigation shows that the deadly blast, one of the most serious bomb attacks in years in Turkey are linked to Syria's intelligence agency, according to Today's Zaman newspaper.

    Syrian Information Minister Omran Zubi, however, on Sunday denied any Syrian involvement in the attack and rejected what he called "unfounded accusations."

  15. Blutbad in Reyhanli Türkei gibt UN-Sicherheitsrat Mitschuld....

    Die Türkei hat dem Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen eine Mitschuld an den Anschlägen in Reyhanli gegeben. Erst die Untätigkeit des UN-Rates habe das Blutbad überhaupt möglich gemacht.

    Die türkische Regierung macht für den "barbarischen Terroranschlag" mit Dutzenden Toten im Grenzort Reyhanli auch die Tatenlosigkeit der Weltgemeinschaft verantwortlich. Ankara habe immer wieder versucht, im Syrien-Konflikt zu vermitteln, sagte der türkische Außenminister Ahmet Davutoglu in Berlin. Aber das Attentat zeige, "wie ein Funke zum Flächenbrand wird, wenn die internationale Gemeinschaft schweigt und der UN-Sicherheitsrat nicht handelt". Schließlich seien "nicht nur die chemischen Waffen" eine Überschreitung der "roten Linie", sondern auch die von syrischen Streitkräften verübten "Massaker".

    Davutoglu äußerte sich nach einem Treffen mit Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP), der seinerseits erneut darauf hinwies, dass die Bundesregierung "keine eigenen Erkenntnisse" zur Verwendung von Chemiewaffen in Syrien habe. Allerdings plädierte er für einen baldigen Beginn der von den USA und Russland initiierten internationalen Syrien-Konferenz. Die von Moskau erwogene Lieferung von Luftabwehrraketen an die syrischen Streitkräfte sei in der jetzigen Situation "nicht sinnvoll", sagte Westerwelle. "Das sollte aus unserer Sicht auch nicht stattfinden."

    Auf die tödlichen Anschläge in Reyhanli reagierte er mit Bestürzung. "Ich möchte mit großer Klarheit und auf das Schärfste diesen barbarischen Terrorakt verurteilen", sagte Westerwelle. "Wir trauern mit den Familien, wir trauern mit dem gesamten türkischen Volk, wir leiden mit den Verletzten." Deutschland stehe in dieser "schweren Stunde" fest an der Seite der Türkei.

    Durch die Explosion zweier Autobomben in der türkischen Grenzstadt Reyhanli wurden am Samstag nach offiziellen türkischen Angaben mindestens 46 Menschen getötet. Mehr als 50 Verletzte wurden tags darauf noch in Krankenhäusern behandelt. Ankara machte die syrische Führung für die Anschläge verantwortlich und ließ neun Verdächtige festnehmen.

  16. Turkish FM calls for 'joint stance' against Syrian regime....

    Davutoglu said international community should act to stop regime's 'brutal methods'


    Turkish foreign minister has has called on the international community to 'define a joint stance' against Syria's Assad regime.
    "It is high time for the international community to define a joint stance against a regime that uses every brutal method on its own people," Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters Sunday in Berlin following a meeting with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle.
    Davutoglu said the numbers of Syrians fleeing the conflict to neighboring countries continued to increase which he said has also raised security risks.
    Turkey alone shelters more than 300,000 Syrian refugees mostly in camps. The more than two-year-old conflict has claimed over 70,000 people and sent 1.4 million refugees according to the UNHCR.

  17. Σύρος υπουργός αποκαλεί «δολόφονο» τον Ερντογάν για τις εκρήξεις στο Ρεϊχανλί....

    Την τουρκική κυβέρνηση και τον ίδιο τον τούρκο πρωθυπουργό κατηγόρησε για τις πολύνεκρες βομβιστικές επιθέσεις του Σαββάτου στο Ρεϊχανλί ο σύρος υπουργός Ενημέρωσης.

    «Η τουρκική κυβέρνηση και ο ίδιος ο Ερντογάν φέρουν εξ ολοκλήρου την ευθύνη γι' αυτό που συνέβη. Ζητώ την παραίτησή του ως δολοφόνου και εκτελεστή. Δεν έχει το δικαίωμα να χτίσει μια πολιτική καριέρα πάνω στο αίμα Τούρκων και Σύρων» δήλωσε ο Ομράν Ζούμπι σε συνέντευξή του στη ρωσική τηλεόραση.

    Ο Ζούμπει αρνήθηκε για μια ακόμα φορά οποιαδήποτε ανάμιξη της Συρίας στις επιθέσεις που στοίχισαν τη ζωή σε 46 ανθρώπους αν και η Τουρκία έχει κατηγορήσει οργάνωση που συνδέεται με τις συριακές υπηρεσίες πληροφοριών.

  18. Τουρκία: Μαρξιστική οργάνωση αυτουργός των επιθέσεων στο Ρεϊχανλί ....ΤΟ ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΤΩΝ "ΑΤΖΙΛΤΖΙΛΕΡ"....

    Η ακροαριστερή οργάνωση ΤΗΚΡ-C (ή Ατζιλτζιλέρ) - Ταρίχ, που κατηγορείται από την Άγκυρα ότι ευθύνεται για την αιματηρή επίθεση στο Ρεϊχανλί, στη μεθόριο με τη Συρία, που προκάλεσε τον θάνατο 48 ανθρώπων και τον τραυματισμό εκατοντάδων άλλων. Είναι, λέει, ένα κίνημα εκτός νόμου, που έχει χαρακτηριστεί τρομοκρατικό από την Άγκυρα και θεωρείται ότι πρόσκειται στην κυβέρνηση της Συρίας.

    Λίγες ώρες μετά την διπλή έκρηξη που προκάλεσε τον θάνατο 48 ανθρώπων και τον τραυματισμό εκατοντάδων άλλων, ο υπουργός Εσωτερικών Μουαμέρ Γκιουλέρ υπέδειξε ως δράστες της επίθεσης τα μέλη της Ατζιλτζιλέρ (σ.σ. που σημαίνει 'επείγοντες' στα τουρκικά).

    Εννέα από τα μέλη της, όλοι τους Τούρκοι υπήκοοι, συνελήφθησαν και τέθηκαν υπό κράτηση χθες. Τόσο ο Γκιουλέρ, όσο και ο ΥΠΕΞ Αχμέτ Νταβούτογλου υπογράμμισαν ιδιαίτερα τους «στενούς δεσμούς» που διατηρεί το Κόμμα-Μέτωπο Λαϊκής Απελευθέρωσης της Τουρκίας (ΤΗΚΡ-C) με την κυβέρνηση του Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ και των «μυστικών του υπηρεσιών».

    Ιδιαίτερα δραστήρια στη δεκαετία του '70, η οργάνωση των Ατζιλτσιλέρ αποτελεί τον ένοπλο βραχίονα του ΤΗΚΡ-C, το οποίο ιδρύθηκε το 1972. Μετά την ευρύτατη κατασταλτική επιχείρηση που εξαπέλυσε το στρατιωτικό καθεστώς που κατέλαβε την εξουσία μετά το πραξικόπημα του 1980, η μαρξιστική αυτή οργάνωση παρέμεινε 'εν υπνώσει' και ο ιστορικός αρχηγός της Μιχράτς Ουράλ —που κατάγεται από την επαρχία Χατάι, όπου βρίσκεται η πόλη στην οποία σημειώθηκε η επίθεση— κατέφυγε στη Συρία.

    Σύμφωνα με τον τουρκικό Τύπο, ο Ουράλ —ο επονομαζόμενος και «ύαινα»— είναι σήμερα 57 ετών κι έχει αποκτήσει τη συριακή υπηκοότητα.

    Σε βίντεο που πρόσφατα δόθηκε στη δημοσιότητα, ο Ουράλ εμφανίζεται με στρατιωτική στολή να μιλά για την αναγκαιότητα να «εκκαθαρισθεί» η πόλη Μπάνιας, στη βορειοδυτική Συρία, όπου από τις αρχές του τρέχοντος μηνός συριακές δυνάμεις φίλιες στην κυβέρνηση της Δαμασκού φέρεται να έχουν σκοτώσει 62 ανθρώπους, στην πλειονότητά τους παιδιά, όπως υποστηρίζει το Συριακό Παρατηρητήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων.

    Στο βιντεοσκοπημένο μήνυμά του, ο αρχηγός των Ατζιλτζιλέρ δηλώνει πως «η Μπάνιας είναι η μόνη οδός για τους προδότες (σ.σ. τους αντάρτες) προς τη θάλασσα. Το εννοώ σοβαρά ότι η Μπάνιας θα πρέπει να εκκαθαρισθεί, αργά, ή γρήγορα» και δηλώνει πίστη προς την κυβέρνηση της Δαμασκού. «Όσο υπάρχει το κράτος, υπάρχουν κι οι αρχές του», επεσήμαινε.

    Το κίνημα του οποίου ηγείται στη Συρία ονομάζεται Συριακή Αντίσταση για το έδαφος της χώρας και αριθμεί 2.000 μαχητές.

    Υποστηριζόμενοι από τους Αλαουίτες, από τους οποίους κατάγεται ο Άσαντ, οι Ατζιλτζιλέρ σύμφωνα με τον τουρκικό Τύπο έχουν πολεμήσει στο πλευρό των κυβερνητικών δυνάμεων κατά των ανταρτών σε πολλές ζώνες κοντά στη μεθόριο με την Τουρκία, ιδίως στη Λαττάκεια.

    Η φιλοκυβερνητική εφημερίδα Σαμπάχ υποστηρίζει πως την περασμένη εβδομάδα ο Μιχράτς Ουράλ είχε συμμετάσχει προσωπικά στις ωμότητες που είχαν διαπραχθεί σε ένα προάστιο της Μπάνιας.

  19. Συνεργασία Δαμασκού - Αγκυρας για την διπλή επίθεση....

    Έτοιμη να συνεργαστεί με την Άγκυρα εμφανίζεται η Δαμασκός σε μια "κοινή και διαφανή" έρευνα που θα ρίξει φως στη διπλή βομβιστική επίθεση από την οποία έχασαν τη ζωή τους 51 άνθρωποι το περασμένο Σάββατο στη νότια Τουρκία.

    "Εάν η κυβέρνηση (του Τούρκου πρωθυπουργού Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν) ζητήσει μια κοινή και διαφανή έρευνα μεταξύ των δύο χωρών, δεν βλέπουμε να υπάρχει κάποιο πρόβλημα ώστε να γίνει κάτι τέτοιο και να καταλήξουμε στην αλήθεια", δήλωσε ο υπουργός Πληροφοριών της Συρίας Ομράν αλ Ζόχμπι.

    "Θα πρέπει να ανακοινωθεί η αλήθεια στο συριακό και τον τουρκικό λαό", πρόσθεσε.

    Από τις επιθέσεις αυτές σκοτώθηκαν 51 άνθρωποι και περίπου 100 τραυματίστηκαν. Μέχρι σήμερα η τουρκική αστυνομία έχει συλλάβει 13 υπόπτους.

    Η Άγκυρα, που έχει διακόψει τις σχέσεις της με τη Δαμασκό, θεωρεί υπεύθυνη για τις επιθέσεις στην πόλη Ρεϊχανλί μια μαρξιστική τουρκική οργάνωση που φέρεται ότι δρα για λογαριασμό του συριακού καθεστώτος. Η Δαμασκός από την πλευρά της αρνείται κάθε ανάμιξη στην υπόθεση αυτή.

  20. Syrian opposition group demands help from Turkey....

    Nusayris demanded help from Turkish FM Davutoglu and asked him to open doors to those who left regime in Syria......


    The opposition group of Syrian Nusayris has demanded help from Turkey and asked it to open doors to those who left the the regime in Syria.
    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Tuesday met with representatives of an opposition group of Syrian Nusayris in Ankara on the sidelines of the second conference of Syrian opposition.
    General Coordinator of the Executive Board of the Conference, Tevfik Dunya, told AA, they were concerned about their brothers who lived in Syria and added they made several requests to Davutoglu.
    Dunya noted, "The reason for our visit in Ankara is to ask Turkey to both open the doors to those who left the Syrian regime and rescue and help the Nusayris. We have asked Minister Davutoglu to have them settle in a safe area."
    Dunya said that the May 11 car bomb attacks in Reyhanli were conducted by the supporters of the regime and expressed solidarity with Turkey and condemned all terrorist attacks.
    The first conference of Syrian opposition by Nusayri activists was held end of March in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

  21. Türkei: Erdoğans Syrien-Politik ist gescheitert....

    Als Hilfesuchender reist der türkische Ministerpräsident Erdoğan nach Washington: Im syrischen Bürgerkrieg sind ihm die Optionen ausgegangen, kommentiert C. Luther.

    Längst hat der Bürgerkrieg in Syrien die 900 Kilometer lange Grenze zur Türkei überschritten: Bis zu 450.000 Flüchtlinge suchen mittlerweile Zuflucht, Spannungen und Gewalt sind in das Nachbarland herübergeschwappt – in den Konflikt ist es bereits tief verwickelt. Die Beteuerungen aus Ankara, man wolle sich nicht hineinziehen lassen, wirken da schon fast befremdlich. Auch Ministerpräsident Recep Tayip Erdoğan weiß, dass sich die Türken kaum noch heraushalten können. Zumindest teilweise hat er diese Entwicklung sogar selbst zu verantworten.

    Wenn Erdoğan am Donnerstag in Washington US-Präsident Barack Obama trifft, wird er seine Forderung erneuern, eine Flugverbotszone im syrischen Grenzgebiet zu etablieren, und auch die USA zu Waffenlieferungen an die Gegner des Assad-Regimes drängen. Ob er ihm dann nach türkischen Ermittlungen wirklich belastbare Beweise für einen Chemiewaffeneinsatz in Syrien vorlegen kann, ist fraglich. Dennoch wird er versuchen, Obama klar zu machen, dass dessen "rote Linie" für ein stärkeres Eingreifen überschritten ist. Erdoğans Geduld ist jedenfalls aufgebraucht, auch weil im eigenen Land die Zustimmung für seine Syrien-Politik wegbricht.

    Der Konflikt hat die Türkei als selbst ernannte regionale Ordnungsmacht geschwächt, die noch vor Jahren mit allen maßgeblichen Kräften des Nahen Osten und darüber hinaus reden konnte und wollte, mit Israel, Iran und Irak, und eben auch mit Syrien. Vorbei sind die Zeiten, da Erdoğan mit Baschar al-Assad gemeinsam Urlaub machte, während zwischen den beiden Ländern sogar das Reisen ohne Visum möglich war. Am Ende ist ebenso die vermeintliche Entspannungspolitik der "null Probleme" mit den Nachbarn, deren intellektueller Vater Außenminister Ahmet Davutoğlu ist und die das Land als neoosmanischen Hegemon zu positionieren suchte.

    Der syrische Bürgerkrieg hat die Türkei gezwungen, folgenschwere Entscheidungen zu treffen: Seit Ausbruch des Aufstands hat sie sich vom Mittler, der alle Seiten an einen Tisch bringen wollte und das Regime zu Reformen drängte, zur Partei im Bürgerkrieg gewandelt. Syrische Oppositionskämpfer nutzen Flüchtlingslager und Städte an der Grenze zum Rückzug, als logistische Zentren für den Nachschub, unter den jungen Flüchtlingen werben die Brigaden um neue Kämpfer. Waffenlieferungen an die Rebellen duldet und befördert die Regierung, unternimmt sie wohl auch selbst. Gleichzeitig unterstützt sie nicht nur den militärischen, sondern auch den politischen Widerstand gegen Assad.

    Eigene Stärke falsch eingeschätzt.....

  22. Mit großer Mehrheit...UN-Vollversammlung verurteilt Gewalt in Syrien...

    15.05.2013, 20:46 Uhr

    Angesichts der Not in Syrien fordert die UN-Vollversammlung das syrische Regime erneut zu einem Ende der Gewalt auf. Doch auch die dritte Resolution ist nicht bindend. Es fehlt ein klares Wort des UN-Sicherheitsrates.

    New YorkMit großer Mehrheit hat die UN-Vollversammlung die Gewalt in Syrien verurteilt und das Regime in Damaskus zum politischen Wandel aufgefordert. 107 der 178 anwesenden Staaten stimmten am Mittwoch in New York für eine Resolution, die vor allem von arabischen Ländern entworfen wurde, aber auch die deutsche Handschrift trägt. Bei 59 Enthaltungen waren 12 Staaten dagegen, darunter Russland, China, Kuba und Weißrussland. Es ist bereits die dritte Resolution gegen die Gewalt in Syrien, die Entschließungen der Vollversammlung sind aber nicht bindend.

    Diese Resolution ruft nicht nach einem militärischen Einmarsch“, sagte ein Vertreter Katars bei der Einbringung des Entwurfs. „Aber das syrische Volk ruft nach Hilfe, und wir rufen alle Parteien zur Mäßigung auf.“ Auch Deutschlands UN-Botschafter Peter Wittig sprach von einem „substanziellen Entwurf. „Er spiegelt die furchtbare Situation im Land wider und drängt auf eine politische Lösung.“

    „Das syrische Volk ist diesen Ländern egal“, sagte hingegen Syriens UN-Botschafter Baschar Dschaafari. „Sie wollen einfach nur die rechtmäßige Regierung meines Landes stürzen.“ Die syrische Regierung bekämpfe nur „Terroristen“. Frankreichs Botschafter Araud sagte hingegen: „Das Regime setzt Artillerie und Raketen gegen Zivilisten und Wohngebiete ein. Das ist Terrorismus!“

    Die Vollversammlung hatte schon zweimal ähnliche Resolutionen verabschiedet. Mit 133 zu 11 Stimmen im Dezember 2011 und 137 zu 12 im Februar 2012 waren damals die Voten noch deutlicher ausgefallen. Der UN-Sicherheitsrat blieb bislang stumm, weil Russland, der größte Waffenverkäufer für das Regime, und China mit ihrem Veto jede Initiative verhinderten.

    Die Regierung in Syrien hatte im März 2011 begonnen, Proteste von Regimegegnern blutig niederzuschlagen. In den mehr als zwei Jahren hat sich der Konflikt zu einem Bürgerkrieg entwickelt. Nach UN-Schätzungen hat er mehr als 70 000 Menschen das Leben gekostet, einige UN-Mitglieder sprechen von 80 000 und die syrischen Menschenrechtsbeobachter gehen inzwischen gar von 94 000 Toten aus.

  23. Turkey detains prime suspect in car bombings near Syria....


    ANKARA -
    Turkish police have detained a man they believe to be one of the main perpetrators of car bombings that killed more than 50 people near the Syrian border, officials said on Friday.

    Turkey has accused Syria of involvement in the two bombings last weekend in the town of Reyhanli in Hatay province, which fanned fears that Syria's civil war is dragging in neighboring states. Damascus denies any role.

    Hatay governor Celalettin Lekesiz said police had detained a man identified only by the initials M.G. shortly before midnight on Thursday in Samandag district, near the Syrian border, and that he was being treated as a prime suspect.

    Huseyin Celik, deputy chairman of Turkey's ruling AK Party, said the two vehicles used in the bombings were registered to the detained man, and that he had driven one to a blast site in Reyhanli.

    State-run broadcaster TRT reported on Friday that Reyhanli's police chief had been dismissed. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said this week he did not think the attacks were the result of a weakness in the intelligence services, but that there may have been a "disconnect" between them and the police.

    Lekesiz said police were still searching for two other suspected perpetrators, who along with M.G. had been trying to cross over into Syria from Samandag but had failed because of stepped-up security along the border.

  24. Reyhanli deputy police chief removed from office...

    Murat Berk, deputy police chief of Reyhanli district -- southern Turkey -- has been removed from office.


    Mehmet Celalettin Lekesiz, governor of southern province of Hatay, stated Murat Berk, deputy police chief of the Reyhanli district of the province, had been removed from his office.
    In his statement, Lekesiz said, several necessary administrative measures could be taken in case of disruptions or when some staff got tired. "Removal of our friend from office was one of these measures. It is not a large-scale thing or a new development. It is just an administrative decision," said Lekesiz.
    Twin bombings ripped through Reyhanli town of the Turkish southern province of Hatay on May 11, killing 51 people. Explosions in Reyhanli town just across Syria's Idlib province were the deadliest cross-border spillover since the Syrian revolt began in March 2011.

  25. Perpetrators of Reyhanli blast linked to terrorist groups of Syrian regime, Turkish fm says....Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu said perpetrators of Reyhanli blast were identified, arrested by Turkey and they were linked to [terrorist groups]???? of Syrian regime....


    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that perpetrators of Reyhanli blast were identified, arrested by Turkey and they were linked to terrorist groups of Syrian regime.
    Nobody should go into effort of covering the real actors and murderers, Davutoglu said in a press conference prior to his departure for Jordan to attend "Friends of Syria" meeting in Amman.
    With regards to succession of Syrian transition government, Davutoglu said the key criteria was to initiate a process with a belief of "peace is now coming to our country" by Syrians who were staying in Turkey, in other words who left their homes and sought shelter in Turkey and other countries.
    Regarding who will join second Geneva conference from Syrian regime, Davutoglu said, "many names especially some speculative ones have been shared with public. Our criteria is obvious for the persuasiveness of process. Those who have not had blood in their hands during past two years should be in negotiation process. Otherwise, we would equate victim with criminal."
    In response to a question whether Syrian opposition will attend the meeting in Amman,Davutoglu said that "this is out of the question. They can always attend the meeting and will attend the meeting. There is no effort not to invite them for this meeting."
    "We support legitimate opposition in Syria, Syrian people and shelter-seekers, and we support the ones who were not involved in tyranny in Syrian government to join negotiation process," said Davutoglu.
    "I informed the foreign ministers of countries in the region on the phone yesterday. During the meeting in Amman, we will assess on what phase we are," Davutoglu noted.
    Indicating that after Amman meeting Syrian opposition would come together in Istanbul, Davutoglu said the decision to be taken in Amman would contain strong messages for reconstructing Syrian National Coalition and representing Syrian people.

  26. Syrian Opposition’s Stance ‘Not Reassuring’ - Lavrov....

    MOSCOW, May 22 (RIA Novosti)
    – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday described the results of the recent meeting of Syrian opposition groups in Madrid as “not reassuring,” and expressed hope that “constructive feedback” will follow.

    Lavrov met with Syrian First Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad in Moscow to discuss, among other things, a conference proposed jointly by Moscow and Washington to bring the Syrian government and opposition groups to the negotiating table. Earlier this week, representatives of various Syrian opposition groups gathered in Madrid to forge a common stance for the conference, but their meetings have so far failed to produce any tangible result.

    “We hope for constructive feedback to follow from various opposition groups. The news is yet far from being reassuring,” the foreign minister said at talks with Miqdad. “According to initial assessments, the meetings of some Syrian opposition groups yesterday and today in Madrid failed to bring about a decision on taking part in the conference without preconditions.”

    Miqdad said that President Bashar Assad’s government also remains undecided on whether to participate.

    “Once we return to Damascus, we will inform the government of the results of the talks in Moscow and then make our final decision on whether to take part in the conference,” he said.

    Syrian opposition forces demand Assad’s resignation as a precondition for the talks. The United States said on Tuesday it had failed to secure the Syrian opposition’s consent to take part in the conference.

    Lavrov announced after a Moscow meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry on May 7 that the two countries had decided to hold an international conference aimed at facilitating a solution to the Syrian crisis through political dialogue. Moscow wants to involve all the nations that took part in the Geneva conference on Syria last summer. The conference is expected to be held at the beginning of June.

  27. Turkey to take action if border threat identified: Foreign Minister Davutoğlu....

    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said that Turkey will take action if it sees any new threat of an attack on its porous Syrian border like the twin blasts in Reyhanlı that killed 52 people last month. “If there was any violation of the border as a real threat to national security again, of course we would act and respond,” Davutoğlu told Al Jazeera in an interview aired today.

    He added that that the Turkish authorities in their probe into the Reyhanlı attacks had established certain linkages with the regime and now were gathering the evidence.

    Commenting on the U.S. government’s statement that they held evidence that showed Syria had used chemical weapons, Davutoğlu said that it was not “something surprising” for Ankara. “As Turkey, as a neighboring country we had our own investigation, we had several cases, incidents where we suspected that chemical weapons were being used and there was special research regarding injured people and we also found strong evidences regarding the use of chemical weapons,” Davutoğlu said.

    “We hope that the international community will act decisively on that issue," he added.
    During Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Washington visit May 16, the Turkish delegation had reportedly presented their evidence on the chemical weapon use by the Bashar al-Assad forces in Syria. Erdoğan had also previously accused al-Assad of using chemicals and said that he had already “crossed the red lines” of U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration with respect to its Syria policy.

    Calls on Iran for a new approach on Syria.......

  28. Turkey has all the right to respond to border violation by Syria....

    Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu said, if there was any violation to the border as a real threat for national security again, Turkey would respond

    ANKARA (AA) - Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said, "if there was any violation to the border as a real threat for national security again, Turkey would respond".

    In an interview aired Wednesday, in his comments on Hasan Rowhani who was elected as Iranian President, Davutoglu told Al Jazeera that "We hope that the new Iranian administration will understand the situation in Syria better than before, they will listen to Syrian people more".

    For the stabitity in Iran and Iranian foreign policy on Syria, Davutoglu added, "We want to see a stable Iran as a neighbor and we want to cooperate with Iran for regional stability, but at the same time, we hope that Iran will understand the situation in Syria and the region, and will act and contribute".

    Critiziing international broadcasting corporations regarding ongoing protests for Gezi Park, Davutoglu said "I was shocked when I saw CNN International or some other international reporters, they used gas mask during the day when there was no tear gas being used, they broadcast as if there was a war. While, on the same days, thousands of people were being killed in Qusair, Syria, there was no coverage at all".

    For US statement regarding chemical weapons in Syria, Davutoglu said "As Turkey, as a neighboring country we had our own investigation, we had several cases, incidents where we suspected that chemical weapons were being used and there was a special research on injured people and we also found strong evidences regarding the use of chemical weapons."

    Davutoglu added, "Therefore the statement by the U.S. was not something surprising for us. We hope that international community will act decisively on that issue."

    Upon the question of whether there was a competition among "Friends of Syria", Davutoglu said, he had participated in the Syrian National Coalition's latest meeting and told the participants that Syrian people will determine the future of Syria.

    Davutoglu said, "as Turkey we don't support anyone, we are not against anyone. Today is the day for solidarity, solidarity with the victims, with the oppressed people of Syria, with women and children who lost their families. It's not the day of competition.".......

  29. Türkischer Oppositionsführer „Erdogan exportiert Terror nach Syrien“...

    Der türkische Oppositionsführer Kemal Kilicdaroglu erhebt in der F.A.Z. schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Regierung Erdogan und vergleicht den Ministerpräsidenten mit Syriens Machthaber Assad.....

  30. В результате взрыва на сирийско-турецкой границе погибли шесть человек - СМИ...

    АНКАРА, 3 сентября. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Взрыв на сирийско-турецкой границе в районе провинции Хатай /юг Турции/ унес жизни шести человек, передают местные СМИ.

    Сообщения о точном месте происшествия и причинах взрыва разнятся. По некоторым данным, он произошел на складе боеприпасов в Хатайе, по другим - взорвался грузовик на сирийской стороне границы.

  31. Explosion on Turkey-Syria border kills six: Turkish media...

    (Reuters) - An explosion on the border between Turkey's southern province of Hatay and Syria killed six people on Tuesday, Turkish media said, but there were conflicting reports about the cause and exact location of the blast.

    Some Turkish television reports said the explosion was at an ammunition depot in the Altinozu district of Hatay, while other media reports said the blast happened in a vehicle carrying scrap metal on the Syrian side of the border.


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