Bashar al-Assad speaks to Argentinian newspaper Clarin about the ongoing
civil war in Syria. The president says the country's crisis has become
so deadly because of international interference. Assad claims Barack Obama's reluctance to intervene further is not down to principles but less finance and a lack of opportunity for America to benefit from Syrian peace.
When asked if he would stand down in pursuit of peace, he replies he must 'face his duty' and remain in his elected position
Assad accuses Israel of supporting 'terror groups' in Syria....
ReplyDeleteIn an interview with an Argentinian newspaper, Syrian president says the West sent Israel to strike Syria "to raise the morale of the terrorist groups"; says international intervention is likely.
Syrian President Bashar Assad accused Israel of "directly supporting terrorist groups" in Syria, referring to rebels fighting against his regime, in an exclusive interview with Argentinian newspaper Clarin, which was shared with the Observer on Saturday.
"Israel is directly supporting the terrorist groups in two ways, firstly it gives them logistical support and it also tells them what sites to attack and how to attack them," the Observer quoted him as saying, in reference to recent alleged Israeli strikes on his country.
"For example, they attacked a radar station that is part of our anti-aircraft defenses, which can detect any plane coming from overseas, especially from Israel," he told Clarin's reporter Marcelo Cantelmi during the interview, held in the library of his palace.
He described international intervention as a "clear probability, especially after we've managed to beat back armed groups in many areas of Syria."
"Then these [western] countries sent Israel to do this to raise the morale of the terrorist groups." We expect that an intervention will occur at some point although it may be limited in nature," he opined.
Assad denied reports that fighters from Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards had traveled to Syria to militarily aid the regime, but said that members of both groups had been "coming and going" long before the crisis began. However, he categorially stated, "we do not have fighters from outside Syria."
He also denied claims by the rebels that his regime had used chemical weapons, and purported that the West "lies and falsifies evidence to engineer wars."
He further rejected accusations that his army was using excessive force, asking his interviewer "How does one define excessive force? How can one decide whether excessive force has been used or not? What is the formula to be applied?"
Assad nie l’utilisation d’armes chimiques....
ReplyDeleteLe président syrien Bachar al-Assad a nié que ses forces utilisent des armes chimiques contre la rébellion, et il a exclu de démissionner, dans une interview accordée à deux médias argentins et publiée samedi.
Dans un long entretien à l’agence de presse officielle argentine Telam et au grand quotidien Clarin, le président Assad estime que les informations de sources occidentales sur de possibles attaques aux armes chimiques des forces gouvernementales servent à préparer les opinions publiques à une intervention militaire contre la Syrie.
«Les accusations contre la Syrie concernant l’utilisation d’armes chimiques ou (les déclarations) concernant ma démission changent tous les jours. Et il est probable qu’il s’agit d’un prélude à une guerre contre notre pays», a déclaré M. Assad.
«On a dit que nous utilisions des armes chimiques contre des zones résidentielles. Si ces armes étaient utilisées contre une ville ou un faubourg, avec un bilan de dix ou vingt victimes, serait-ce crédible ?», a demandé le président syrien, avant de répondre par la négative.
«Leur utilisation signifierait la mort de milliers ou de dizaines de milliers de personnes en quelques minutes. Qui pourrait cacher une pareille chose ?», a insisté M. Assad.
Par ailleurs, le président syrien a déclaré ne pas envisager de démissionner. Interrogé sur des propos du secrétaire d’Etat américain John Kerry, qui lui a demandé de se mettre à l’écart, M. Assad a exclu cette possibilité. «Démissionner, ce serait fuir», a-t-il dit.
«Je ne sais pas si Kerry ou un autre a reçu du peuple syrien le pouvoir de parler en son nom sur la question de savoir qui doit partir et qui doit rester. Cela, c’est le peuple syrien qui le déterminera lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2014», a déclaré M. Assad.
Assad accuses Israel of providing intelligence to Syrian rebels....
ReplyDeleteThe Guardian publishes Argentine newspaper's interview with Syrian president, in which he warns U.S., Russia that talks with rebels will prove fruitless....
Syrian President Bashar Assad accused Israel of aiding Syrian rebel groups by giving them logistical support and intelligence on Syrian sites.
Speaking during an interview with the Argentine newspaper Clarin, which was reported Saturday in The Guardian, Assad said Israel tells Syrian "terrorist groups" which sites to attack and how to attack them.
"They attacked a radar station that is part of our anti-aircraft defenses, which can detect any plane coming from overseas, especially from Israel," The Guardian quoted Assad as saying in the interview.
Assad also said that the efforts by the United States and Russia to bring about talks with the Syrian opposition will prove fruitless.
"Believing that a political conference will stop terrorism on the ground is unreal," he was quoted as saying.
Earlier Saturday, Syrian rebels have accused Assad's forces of using chemical weapons in new attacks in Damasucus and Idlib, according to human rights activists in the country.
Activists said dozens were hit when Assad's forces fired mortar shells containing chemical agents.
On Friday, an Israeli intelligence official told The Times of London that Israel prefers Assad's regime in Syria to continue than see a takeover of the country by rebel Islamist militants.
"Better the devil we know than the demons we can only imagine if Syria falls into chaos, and the extremists from across the Arab world gain a foothold there," the official said, according to the report.
According to the Times, the senior intelligence officer in the north of Israel said a weakened but stable Syria under Assad is not only better for Israel but for the region as a whole.
Another defense official was quoted as saying it is more likely than initially estimated that Assad will remain in power.
“We originally underestimated Assad’s staying power and overestimated the rebels’ fighting power,” the source said.
The report in the Times comes a day after the United States said the Russian missile shipment to Syria will embolden Assad and prolong the conflict.
Syrien-Konfikt Assad befürchtet Militäreinsatz des Westens.....
ReplyDelete18.05.2013 ·
Syriens Präsident Assad hat den Vorwurf zurückgewiesen, Chemiewaffen eingesetzt zu haben. Solche Beschuldigungen seien das „Vorspiel für einen Krieg gegen unser Land“, sagte Assad in einem Interview.
Der syrische Staatspräsident Baschar al-Assad befürchtet eine militärische Intervention des Westens in seinem Land. „Täglich gibt es neue Vorwürfe gegen Syrien wegen des Einsatzes von Chemiewaffen oder Forderungen nach meinem Rücktritt“, sagte Assad in einem am Samstag veröffentlichten Interview der staatlichen argentinischen Nachrichtenagentur Télam. „Wahrscheinlich soll das als Vorspiel für einen Krieg gegen unser Land dienen.“
„Man hat gesagt, dass wir Chemiewaffen in Wohngebieten eingesetzt hätten“, sagte Assad in dem Interview. „Wenn diese Waffen gegen eine Stadt oder ein Viertel eingesetzt worden wären, ist es glaubwürdig, dass es nur zehn oder 20 Opfer gibt?“, fragte Assad, der dies den Angaben zufolge sogleich verneinte. „Ihr Einsatz würde den Tod von tausenden oder zehntausenden binnen weniger Minuten zur Folge haben. Wer könnte so etwas verheimlichen?“
Assad wies Forderungen der Opposition nach seinem Rücktritt abermals zurück. Er sei allerdings zu Verhandlungen über eine Beilegung des Konflikts bereit, in dem in den vergangenen zwei Jahren über 70.000 Menschen ums Leben gekommen sind. Anfang Juni sollen die Bürgerkriegs-Parteien auf einer Konferenz in Genf über eine politische Lösung diskutieren.
Kritik an russischen Waffenlieferungen
Der amerikanische Generalstabschef Martin Dempsey kritisierte russische Waffenlieferungen an das Regime in Damaskus scharf. Die Entscheidung Moskaus, Anti-Schiffs-Raketen nach Syrien zu liefern, werde den Bürgerkrieg verlängern, sagte Dempsey vor Journalisten im Pentagon bei Washington.......usw....http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/naher-osten/syrien-konfikt-assad-befuerchtet-militaereinsatz-des-westens-12188145.html
«Δεν φεύγω» διαμηνύει ο Ασαντ....
ReplyDeleteΠρόφαση για «ενδεχόμενο πόλεμο της Δύσης εναντίον της Συρίας» θεωρεί ο Μπασάρ αλ Ασαντ τις αναφορές περί χρήσης του χημικού οπλοστασίου στον εμφύλιο, μένοντας σταθερός στην απόρριψη του όρου των αντικαθεστωτικών για αποχώρησή του και επιμένοντας πως θα φύγει μόνο εάν αυτή είναι η έκβαση των προεδρικών εκλογών.
«Η χώρα είναι σε κρίση και όταν το πλοίο πέφτει σε καταιγίδα, ο καπετάνιος δεν εγκαταλείπει» είπε ο Πρόεδρος της Συρίας σε συνέντευξή του στην εφημερίδα Clarin της Αργεντινής.
«Οι κατηγορίες ότι η Συρία χρησιμοποίησε χημικά όπλα και οι συζητήσεις για την παραίτησή μου αλλάζουν καθημερινά» είπε.
«Πιθανότατα τις χρησιμοποιούν ως προοίμιο για τον πόλεμο εναντίον της χώρας μας. Δεν αποκλείω έναν πόλεμο της Δύσης εναντίον της Συρίας. Η Δύση ψεύδεται και χαλκεύει αποδείξεις για να εξαπολύει πολέμους. Αυτή είναι η παράδοσή της» για την προετοιμασία της κοινής γνώμης, πρόσθεσε.
«Είπαν ότι χρησιμοποιούμε χημικά όπλα εναντίον κατοικημένων περιοχών. Θα ήταν λογικό να είχαμε 10-20 θύματα αν τα όπλα αυτά είχαν χρησιμοποιηθεί εναντίον μιας πόλης ή μιας κωμόπολης;» διερωτήθηκε, για να προσθέσει: «Η χρήση τους θα σήμαινε το θάνατο χιλιάδων, ίσως και δεκάδων χιλιάδων ανθρώπων μέσα σε λίγα λεπτά. Ποιος θα μπορούσε να κρύψει κάτι τέτοιο;».
Ο Ασαντ είπε ότι δεν πρόκειται να παραιτηθεί ποτέ και δήλωσε πρόθυμος να διαπραγματευτεί για τον τερματισμό των συγκρούσεων, όχι όμως και να μιλήσει με τους «τρομοκράτες», όπως αποκαλεί η Δαμασκός τους Σύρους αντάρτες.
Οταν του ζητήθηκε να σχολιάσει την προτροπή του υπουργού Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Τζον Κέρι να παραιτηθεί, ο Άσαντ είπε ότι η παραίτηση «ισοδυναμεί με φυγή».
«Δεν ξέρω αν ο Κέρι ή κάποιος άλλος έλαβε από το συριακό λαό την εντολή να μιλά εξ ονόματός του στο θέμα του ποιος θα μείνει και ποιος θα φύγει. Αυτό θα το αποφασίσει ο συριακός λαός στις προεδρικές εκλογές του 2014» κατέληξε.
Αιματηρή έκρηξη στη Δαμασκό
Εν τω μεταξύ, στην πρωτεύουσα της Συρίας, Δαμασκό, σημειώθηκε ισχυρή έκρηξη το Σάββατο, από την οποία σκοτώθηκαν τρεις άνθρωποι και τραυματίστηκαν πέντε.
Η κρατική τηλεόραση της Συρίας μετέδωσε ότι η έκρηξη προκλήθηκε από παγιδευμένο αυτοκίνητο, προσθέτοντας ότι οι Αρχές εντόπισαν στο σημειο και άλλα εκρηκτικά.
Bashar al-Assad issues defiant message: 'I'm here to stay'....
ReplyDeleteIn a rare interview, the Syrian president says a divided opposition could not uphold a peace deal and that he has no intention of stepping down...
Syria's embattled leader Bashar al-Assad has used a rare interview – carried out amid the sound of artillery fire resounding through his presidential palace in Damascus – to warn the United States and Russia that their efforts to bring about talks will do little to halt the civil war laying waste to his country, and that he has no intention of stepping down.
In an exclusive interview for the Argentinian newspaper Clarín, shared with the Observer, Assad says he welcomes attempts at dialogue, but believes that western states are looking for ways to fuel the violence, rather than stop it, and are seeking to topple his regime regardless of the toll.
Moscow and Washington have been in dispute over the anti-Assad uprising since it began in March 2011 but are now trying to find common ground to quell the bloodshed and destruction as its effects continue to reverberate across the region. If successful, there are hopes talks could take place at the end of this month and lead to a multilateral summit attended by key protagonists.
Assad, speaking to Clarín's reporter Marcelo Cantelmi from the library of his palace, said that a continuing lack of unity between the myriad rebel groups meant that opposition leaders would be unable to implement any ceasefire measures agreed at a summit, such as surrendering arms. "They are not a single entity," he said. "They are different groups and bands, not dozens but hundreds. They are a mixture and each group has its local leader. And who can unify thousands of people? We can't discuss a timetable with a party if we don't know who they are."......http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/18/bashar-assad-exclusive-interview-syria
Syria names negotiating team ....
ReplyDeleteSyrian President Bashar al-Assad has put forward the names of five officials from his administration to take part in internationally-sponsored peace talks with the Syrian opposition.
EU diplomatic sources say the list includes Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halki as well as more junior officials. They say Assad circulated a list of names for possible talks in early March, though Syria’s opposition has rejected some of the officials on the list because of their lack of influence.
US Secretary of State John Kerry is due to discuss planning for the talks at a meeting of the "Friends of Syria" in Jordan on Wednesday. On Thursday Syria’s opposition will then meet in Istanbul to announce its stance. The Arab League’s Syria Committee will also meet on Thursday in Cairo at the request of Qatar.
President Assad: Terror Should Only be Striken with Iron Fist ...
ReplyDeleteTerrorism cannot be solved through politics, it should rather be hit with an iron fist, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in a rare speech on Syrian state television.
"No solution can be reached with terror except by striking it with an iron fist," said Assad. "I don't think that any sane human being would think that terrorism can be dealt with via politics," he added.
"There may be a role for politics in dealing with terrorism pre-emptively," said Assad, adding that as soon as "terrorism" has arisen, it can only be struck out.
Assad also said Syria's economic woes "are linked to the security situation, and they can only be solved by striking terror".
He meanwhile stressed the need for the army to fight on against the rebellion. "It is true that there is a battle being fought in the media and on (the Internet), but the crisis will only be solved on the battlefield," said Assad in his 45-minute address.
He also said that any efforts towards a political solution should be combined with continued military operations. "There cannot be any political efforts or political progress if terror is striking everywhere. Therefore terror must be struck in order to get the political process moving on the right track," Assad said.
Assad also lashed out against the main opposition National Coalition, describing it as a "failure". "This opposition is not reliable ... and it has no role in solving the crisis," the president said.
He accused the Coalition of "being on the payroll of more than one Gulf country", and of "blaming the (Syrian) state for terrorism rather than blaming the armed men."