Η ταϊβανέζικη διοίκηση ανακοίνωσε τα σχέδιά της να πραγματοποιήσει διήμερες στρατιωτικές ασκήσεις στα Στενά του Μπασί, που χωρίζουν την Ταϊβάν και τις Φιλιππίνες.
Σήμερα Τετάρτη οι Αρχές της Ταϊβάν ανακάλεσαν επίσης τον εκπρόσωπό τους από τις Φιλιππίνες και πάγωσαν την έκδοση για τους πολίτες αυτού του κράτους αδειών εργασίας, ανακοίνωσε εκπρόσωπος της κυβέρνησης της Ταϊβάν.
Οι Αρχές της χώρας δεν αποκλείουν τη χρησιμοποίηση επιπρόσθετων μέτρων κατά των Φιλιππινών, ειδικότερα, την εισαγωγή της υποχρέωσης θεώρησης εισόδου για τους πολίτες αυτής της χώρας και τη διακοπή των οικονομικών ανταλλαγών.
Taiwan Wednesday slapped sanctions on the Philippines, including a ban on the hiring of new workers, rejecting an apology by President Benigno Aquino for the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman.
Σήμερα Τετάρτη οι Αρχές της Ταϊβάν ανακάλεσαν επίσης τον εκπρόσωπό τους από τις Φιλιππίνες και πάγωσαν την έκδοση για τους πολίτες αυτού του κράτους αδειών εργασίας, ανακοίνωσε εκπρόσωπος της κυβέρνησης της Ταϊβάν.
Οι Αρχές της χώρας δεν αποκλείουν τη χρησιμοποίηση επιπρόσθετων μέτρων κατά των Φιλιππινών, ειδικότερα, την εισαγωγή της υποχρέωσης θεώρησης εισόδου για τους πολίτες αυτής της χώρας και τη διακοπή των οικονομικών ανταλλαγών.
- Taiwan sanctions Philippines despite Aquino apology
Taiwan Wednesday slapped sanctions on the Philippines, including a ban on the hiring of new workers, rejecting an apology by President Benigno Aquino for the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman.
TAIPEI - Taiwan Wednesday slapped sanctions on the
Philippines, including a ban on the hiring of new workers, rejecting an
apology by President Benigno Aquino for the killing of a Taiwanese
Philippine coastguards shot dead the 65-year-old last week after they said his vessel illegally sailed into Philippine waters, and outrage in Taiwan at the incident grew amid a perceived lack of remorse in Manila.
In a bid to contain the diplomatic fallout, Aquino sent Amadeo R Perez, chairman of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office which handles relations with Taiwan, to the island on Wednesday to act as his "personal representative" and apologise.
"(The envoy) will convey his and the Filipino people's deep regret and apology to the family of Mr Hung Shih-cheng, as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life," presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in Manila.
Premier Jiang Yi-huah said Taiwan acknowledged Lacierda's statement but deemed it "unacceptable" that the death was described as unintended.
"Perez did not have sufficient authorisation and this shows the Philippines' lack of sincerity in resolving the incident and therefore our second wave of eight sanctions are initiated immediately," Jiang told reporters.
These include a "red" travel alert urging Taiwanese not to visit the Philippines and the suspension of exchanges between high-level officials, as well as a halt to exchanges on trade and academic affairs.
Jiang urged Taiwanese to support the government in pressuring the Philippine government but said the Filipino people should be treated "calmly".
Taiwan earlier Wednesday had suspended the hiring of Philippine workers and recalled its envoy to Manila in protest at the killing.
It rejected an initial apology made by the Philippines' de facto ambassador early Wednesday as inadequate.
President Ma Ying-jeou insisted Manila offer a formal apology and compensation, apprehend the killer and launch talks on the fishing industry.
"President Ma expressed his strong dissatisfaction over the Philippines' lack of sufficient sincerity and its shifting attitude, and found the Philippines' reckless and perfunctory response unacceptable," spokeswoman Lee Chia-fei told reporters.
Lacierda urged Taiwan not to implement its threatened sanctions and to reverse its decision to ban new Filipino workers while appealing for calm.
There are 87,000 Philippine workers in Taiwan and labour authorities said nearly 2,000 new applications to work are submitted monthly.
Lacierda did not mention compensation, but said Aquino had asked the Manila Economic and Cultural Office to make unspecified "donations" to the dead fisherman's family.
The cultural office represents the Philippines in the absence of diplomatic ties. Manila recognises Beijing rather than Taipei as the government of China.
Taiwan's defence ministry also said it began a two-day drill aimed at defending its fishermen in waters near a Philippine island.
Maritime tensions are already high over rival claims in the South China Sea, adjacent to where last Thursday's shooting took place.
China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the strategic and resource-rich maritime region.
Taiwan also faces overlapping claims involving Japan and China in disputed East China Sea waters.
Analysts said Ma cannot afford to look soft while his approval ratings are low, and his government is apparently also trying to show it can stand tough in maritime disputes.
"Taipei wants to send a signal that it cannot be belittled and that its people should not be harmed," said George Tsai, a political scientist at the Chinese Cultural University in Taipei.
"But it should be careful not to give other parties an impression that it will argue its point to death."
Philippine coastguards shot dead the 65-year-old last week after they said his vessel illegally sailed into Philippine waters, and outrage in Taiwan at the incident grew amid a perceived lack of remorse in Manila.
In a bid to contain the diplomatic fallout, Aquino sent Amadeo R Perez, chairman of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office which handles relations with Taiwan, to the island on Wednesday to act as his "personal representative" and apologise.
"(The envoy) will convey his and the Filipino people's deep regret and apology to the family of Mr Hung Shih-cheng, as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life," presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in Manila.
Premier Jiang Yi-huah said Taiwan acknowledged Lacierda's statement but deemed it "unacceptable" that the death was described as unintended.
"Perez did not have sufficient authorisation and this shows the Philippines' lack of sincerity in resolving the incident and therefore our second wave of eight sanctions are initiated immediately," Jiang told reporters.
These include a "red" travel alert urging Taiwanese not to visit the Philippines and the suspension of exchanges between high-level officials, as well as a halt to exchanges on trade and academic affairs.
Jiang urged Taiwanese to support the government in pressuring the Philippine government but said the Filipino people should be treated "calmly".
Taiwan earlier Wednesday had suspended the hiring of Philippine workers and recalled its envoy to Manila in protest at the killing.
It rejected an initial apology made by the Philippines' de facto ambassador early Wednesday as inadequate.
President Ma Ying-jeou insisted Manila offer a formal apology and compensation, apprehend the killer and launch talks on the fishing industry.
"President Ma expressed his strong dissatisfaction over the Philippines' lack of sufficient sincerity and its shifting attitude, and found the Philippines' reckless and perfunctory response unacceptable," spokeswoman Lee Chia-fei told reporters.
Lacierda urged Taiwan not to implement its threatened sanctions and to reverse its decision to ban new Filipino workers while appealing for calm.
There are 87,000 Philippine workers in Taiwan and labour authorities said nearly 2,000 new applications to work are submitted monthly.
Lacierda did not mention compensation, but said Aquino had asked the Manila Economic and Cultural Office to make unspecified "donations" to the dead fisherman's family.
The cultural office represents the Philippines in the absence of diplomatic ties. Manila recognises Beijing rather than Taipei as the government of China.
Taiwan's defence ministry also said it began a two-day drill aimed at defending its fishermen in waters near a Philippine island.
Maritime tensions are already high over rival claims in the South China Sea, adjacent to where last Thursday's shooting took place.
China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the strategic and resource-rich maritime region.
Taiwan also faces overlapping claims involving Japan and China in disputed East China Sea waters.
Analysts said Ma cannot afford to look soft while his approval ratings are low, and his government is apparently also trying to show it can stand tough in maritime disputes.
"Taipei wants to send a signal that it cannot be belittled and that its people should not be harmed," said George Tsai, a political scientist at the Chinese Cultural University in Taipei.
"But it should be careful not to give other parties an impression that it will argue its point to death."
Taiwan adopts eight sanctions against the Philippines....
ReplyDeleteAt the top of the program, we continue our coverage of the killing of a Taiwan fisherman by the Philippine coast guard. Authorities in Taiwan have imposed eight more sanctions against the Philippines, saying Manila’s handling of the incident has been unsatisfactory.
Meanwhile, Philippine President Benigno Aquino has apologized for the shooting incident. And a Taiwan investigation team will head to the Philippines on Thursday.
Taiwan raises the stakes by imposing eight more sanctions against the Philippines.
The sanctions include issuing a travel warning to the Philippines, stopping high-level exchanges with the Philippines, and ceasing cooperation in agriculture and technology.
Meanwhile, the Manila Economic and Cultural Office Chairman Amadeo Perez arrived in Taiwan Wednesday afternoon and was expected to visit the family of the victim on Thursday, but the relatives have refused to meet the envoy.
Early on Wednesday Taiwan authorities described the Philippine response to the shooting as informal and insincere.
Antonio Basilio, Philippine Representative to Taiwan, said, "The Filipino people and the government understand the hurt and grief that the Taiwan people have felt as result of the death of one of their own fellow citizens."
At a High-level Security Conference held on Wednesday morning, Taiwan Leader Ma Ying-jeou said he is not satisfied with the first response given by the Philippine side.
He criticized the Philippines for its insincere attitude in handling the death of the Taiwan fisherman and decided to impose three sanction against the Philippines, including freezing all applications of Philippine laborers, recalling its representative to the Philippines and expelling the representative of the Philippines in Taipei.
Ma had announced earlier that if the Philippines can not offer a satisfactory response by Wednesday 6 pm local time, he would impose a second round of 8 sanctions on the country.
Garfie Li,spokeswoman, Ma Ying-jeou Office, said, "If the Philippine authorities can’t meet our request by 6pm Wednesday, we will initiate the second round of countermeasures."
The incident happened last Thursday when a Philippine coast guard vessel fired on a Taiwan fishing boat about 160 nautical miles southeast of Taiwan. 65 year-old Hung Shih-cheng was killed in the incident.
Philippine Coast Guards face homicide charges...
DeleteThe Philippines National Bureau of Investigation has released its official findings on the fatal shooting of a Taiwan fisherman in May. And it recommended criminal charges be filed against 8 members of the Filipino Coast Guard.
Nonnatus Rojas, Director of Philippine nat'l bureau of investigation, said, "The bullet that killed him was traced to a specific firearm used by a Philippine Coastguard personnel. Aside from this particular PCG member, seven other PCG personnel, including the commanding officer, admittedly fired direct shots at the fishing boat. The collective act of these eight PCG personnel of shooting directly at the fishing boat gives rise to conspiracy. All eight personnel can be held liable for the death of the Taiwanese fisherman. The NBI report recommends the filing of criminal charges of homicide against the eight PCG personnel."
Investigators recommended charges be filed against the coast guard patrol’s commanding officer and seven of his men. The investigation bureau’s director said video footage used by the Coast Guards as its defense did not show any clear attempt by the fishing vessel to ram their boat.
The director said there was therefore not enough evidence to justify firing on the fisherman’s boat. The report noted that the coast guard personnel disregarded the rules of engagement.
Coast Guards are only allowed to use force to disable a ship without causing any casualties. A separate obstruction of justice charge will also be filed against 4 crew members. They allegedly tampered with evidence, including removing vital portions of the video footage they presented to investigators of the incident, and falsified a report on the amount of ammunition fired by the crew.
Taïwan manoeuvre près des eaux territoriales philippines....
ReplyDeleteUne flotte taïwanaise s'est approchée des eaux territoriales philippines ce jeudi, en réaction au décès d'un pêcheur abattu par un garde-côte philippin. Une question de "souveraineté" pour Taïwan, que Manille ne reconnait pas comme un état.
Après avoir rejeté les excuses officielles de Manille, Taïwan a réalisé des manoeuvres ce jeudi près des eaux territoriales des Philippines en réponse à la mort d'un pêcheur tué par un garde-côte philippin. Le contre-amiral Lee Tung-pao a expliqué qu'il s'agit de "manifester notre détermination à défendre la souveraineté" de Taïwan sur ces eaux. Taïwan, indépendante de la Chine depuis 1949, n'est pas reconnue en tant qu'Etat par Manille.
Une flotte d'un destroyer, deux frégates et un navire des garde-côtes ont croisé non loin de l'île de Batan, s'approchant à un peu plus de 20 milles nautiques (37 kilomètres) des côtes et 200 milles du port de Kaohsiung, à l'intérieur de la zone économique exclusive taïwanaise. Deux chasseurs Mirage 2000-5 ont survolé la flotte, qui n'a pas rencontré de navires philippins.
Vague de protestations
Le pêcheur de 65 ans, Hung Shih-cheng, a été tué en mer de Chine méridionale, lorsqu'un navire des garde-côtes philippins a fait feu sur son bateau qui se trouvait, selon Manille, dans ses eaux territoriales.
L'incident a suscité une vague de protestations officielles et populaires à Taïwan où des drapeaux philippins ont été brûlés. Taïwan avait menacé de mener des exercices navals près de leur frontière maritime commune et annoncé le gel des embauches de Philippins sur l'île. Quelque 90 000 Philippins y travaillent, la plupart dans des emplois subalternes.
La présidence philippine a fait savoir mercredi que le président Benigno Aquino exprimait ses regrets et ses excuses. Mais Taïwan accuse les Philippines de manquer de sincérité et le chef de la diplomatie taïwanaise, David Lin, a refusé de recevoir l'envoyé personnel du président Aquino. Le président taïwanais Ma Ying-jeou a répété ce jeudi qu'il attendait un geste fort des Philippines en estimant que "tuer une personne innocente et non armée en pleine mer n'est pas un acte tolérable pour des nations civilisées".