Turkey's EU Minister said interest, excitement and curiosity in US
towards Erdogan showed Turkey was on way of being a global power.
Turkey's Minister of EU and chief negotiator Egemen Bagis said on Thursday that the interest, excitement and curiosity in the US towards Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan demonstrated Turkey's process of becoming a global power.
Bagis told AA in the US that a Turkish prime minister was hosted by head of state greeting protocol for the first time in history adding, "it is only Turkey today on all the streets of Washington. There is the excitement of hosting a Turkish prime minister as well as a world leader here."
Complaining that it was impossible to gather 90 Turks living in US in the past, Bagis said, "now we are here in US together with 90 Turkish businessmen. That is why I feel grateful to our prime minister."
Bagis pointed out Turkey's paying off IMF debts and stated that Turkey, after 50 years' time, was in the US without any debt to IMF.
Reminding that former Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit had once went to White House in Washington and met with US President Bill Clinton, Bagis said "unfortunately, however, I cannot forget the picture of him with Clinton. It was not a picture of him, not related to his personality. It was the picture of Turkey those days. But today, a Turkish prime minister was hosted with such a greeting protocol for the first time in history."
Bagis stated there was no concept of "transoceanic" for Turkey anymore, noting, "there is the whole world for Turkey now. We would like to embrace the world all together."
Reminding the newly built Turkish-American Culture & Civilization Center Bagis said, "The center will not only be a place where the hearts of Muslims beat or a symbol of Turkey in the US but also be a signature of Turkey's global vision."
Turkey's Minister of EU and chief negotiator Egemen Bagis said on Thursday that the interest, excitement and curiosity in the US towards Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan demonstrated Turkey's process of becoming a global power.
Bagis told AA in the US that a Turkish prime minister was hosted by head of state greeting protocol for the first time in history adding, "it is only Turkey today on all the streets of Washington. There is the excitement of hosting a Turkish prime minister as well as a world leader here."
Complaining that it was impossible to gather 90 Turks living in US in the past, Bagis said, "now we are here in US together with 90 Turkish businessmen. That is why I feel grateful to our prime minister."
Bagis pointed out Turkey's paying off IMF debts and stated that Turkey, after 50 years' time, was in the US without any debt to IMF.
Reminding that former Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit had once went to White House in Washington and met with US President Bill Clinton, Bagis said "unfortunately, however, I cannot forget the picture of him with Clinton. It was not a picture of him, not related to his personality. It was the picture of Turkey those days. But today, a Turkish prime minister was hosted with such a greeting protocol for the first time in history."
Bagis stated there was no concept of "transoceanic" for Turkey anymore, noting, "there is the whole world for Turkey now. We would like to embrace the world all together."
Reminding the newly built Turkish-American Culture & Civilization Center Bagis said, "The center will not only be a place where the hearts of Muslims beat or a symbol of Turkey in the US but also be a signature of Turkey's global vision."
Turkey looks for international aid, and countries to host refugees, in Syrian crisis.....
ReplyDeleteYAYLADAGI, Turkey — Facing one of the world’s largest refugee crises in decades, Turkish officials are urgently appealing for international financial assistance and calling on wealthy nations, particularly the United States and the countries of Europe, to start accepting large numbers of Syrian refugees.
The stance marks a shift for the Turkish government, which had long insisted that Ankara would manage and pay for the refugee crisis on its own as a matter of national pride. But with the cost to Turkey hitting $1.5 billion, an estimated 400,000 refugees in the country and a total of 1 million expected by the end of the year, pressure is building. Turkey is even willing to organize an airlift, Ankara officials said, but no country seems eager to receive the refugees.
“The international community should not only provide assistance to foot the bill, but they need to step up and open their countries to these refugees,” said Levent Gumrukcu, a Foreign Ministry spokesman. “They have utterly failed the test of providing an effective response.”
The civil war in Syria and its spillover across the region are expected to dominate President Obama’s White House meeting Thursday with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Washington has provided $44 million for humanitarian organizations helping Syrian refugees in Turkey, as part of a total of $510 million in aid for Syrians affected by the war. State Department officials said that they had received no formal request from Turkey or the United Nations to accept Syrian refugees but that they were “ready to consider” such a request. At this point, they said, most refugees would still probably prefer to wait for a chance to return home than be airlifted to a distant land.
But those in Turkey’s refugee camps see few prospects of going home soon.
Samia Faido ran from her Syrian village two years ago, seven months pregnant and terrified, just before the government bulldozed her home and torched her family’s apple and olives trees.
Now she and her husband have a Turkish-born toddler, their four older kids are learning Turkish, and they have settled into a life that is starting to feel alarmingly permanent.
“When I first came here, I thought I was going to be here for maybe a month,” said Faido, 30, sitting in her cheerfully decorated tent, within sight of the dry hills of her homeland. “Every night I go to sleep hoping that we will wake up to good news in Syria, but it’s always just more bombing and shelling.”
She and her family were among the first group of 252 refugees who arrived at the border seeking shelter in April 2011. Now they live in two adjacent white tents on the shady grounds of a former tobacco factory that has been transformed into a camp community of nearly 3,000 people.
The Faidos’ camp is less than a mile from the Syrian border, and armed officers stand at the gate, guarding against anti-refugee violence. Tall metal walls topped with coils of razor wire surround the place.
Still, life here feels settled, and measured by the rhythms of any small town: births and deaths, weddings and funerals, prayer and play.
Ανοιγμα της Ρωσίας στην τουρκική αγορά όπλων....
ReplyDelete16 Μαΐου 2013 Ντμίτρι Λιτόβκιν
Εδώ και χρόνια η Μόσχα προσπαθεί να πουλήσει προωθημένα τεχνολογικά οπλικά συστήματα στην Αγκυρα, αλλά με πολύ μικρή επιτυχία. Στην πρόσφατη διεθνή έκθεση πολεμικού υλικού στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, η Ρωσία επανέκαμψε δυναμικά, με πολύ υψηλούς στόχους για την τουρκική αγορά.
Την τελευταία λέξη της τεχνολογίας στον στρατιωτικό εξοπλισμό παρουσίασε η Ρωσία στη Διεθνή έκθεση οπλικών συστημάτων, IDEF-2013, στην Κωνσταντινούπολη. Τα επιθετικά ελικόπτερα Ka-52 «Alligator», Mi-28NE «Nochnoy ohotnik (Κυνηγός της Νύχτας)», το αντιαεροπορικό πυραυλικό σύστημα S-300V «Antey-2500» και το τεθωρακισμένο BMPT, γνωστό στο ρωσικό στρατό με το παρατσούκλι «Terminator (Εξολοθρευτής)», είναι ορισμένα από τα xάϊ-τεκ εκθέματα του ρωσικού περιπτέρου στη διεθνή έκθεση που ολοκληρώθηκε στις αρχές Μαΐου στην Πόλη.
Η Τουρκία είναι μέλος του ΝΑΤΟ και οι στρατιωτικές προμήθειές της εξαρτώνται τόσο από τις αμερικανικές, όσο και από τις ευρωπαϊκές πολεμικές βιομηχανίες. Η Μόσχα έχει επανειλημμένα προσπαθήσει να εισέλθει στην τουρκική αγορά των οπλικών συστημάτων. Η πρώτη οργανωμένη προσπάθεια έγινε στο μέσον της δεκαετίας 1990, με τη ρωσική συμμετοχή σε ένα διεθνή διαγωνισμό για την προμήθεια 145 επιθετικών ελικοπτέρων, αξίας πέντε δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων. Η Μόσχα τότε, είχε προσφέρει το ελικόπτερο -τεχνολογίας αιχμής για την εποχή του- το επιθετικό Ka-50 «Black Shark». Για να ενισχύσει τις πιθανότητες νίκης στο διαγωνισμό, το «Black Shark», το οποίο μετονομάστηκε σε «Ertogan (Γεράκι)» για να ταιριάζει καλύτερα στην τουρκική ... νοοτροπία. Η ανταγωνιστική αμερικανική πρόταση, ήταν το ελικόπτερο «Bell». Το ελικόπτερο που πρόσφερε στους Τούρκους η Ουάσιγκτον, υστερούσε σε όλες τις παραμέτρους, αλλά, όπως λένε οι ειδικοί, οι αμερικανοί προσπάθησαν να «στριμώξουν» την Άγκυρα. Αποτέλεσμα των πολύ ισχυρών υπερατλαντικών πιέσεων, ήταν να ακυρωθεί τελικά ο διαγωνισμός.
Τα αντιαρματικά «Konkurs»......http://rbth.gr/politics/2013/05/16/anoigma_ti_rosia_stin_toyrkiki_agora_oplon_22191.html
Turkey's Erdogan confirms plans to visit Gaza....
05/16/2013 20:04
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed plans to visit the Gaza Strip during a press conference with US President Barack Obama in the Rose Garden on Thursday.
Erdogan said that he hopes to visit both Gaza and the West Bank in June, and expressed hope that his trip would contribute to the quest for Middle East peace.
Syrie : Obama et Erdogan exigent à nouveau le départ d'Assad....
ReplyDeleteLe président américain Barack Obama et le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan ont de nouveau exigé jeudi le départ du président syrien Bachar al-Assad, même si Obama a reconnu qu’il n’existait pas de «formule magique» pour mettre fin à la guerre en Syrie.
Le président américain a reçu avec tous les honneurs le dirigeant turc à la Maison Blanche, en pleine période d’intense activité diplomatique afin d’organiser une conférence internationale sur la Syrie à Genève en juin. «Nous sommes tous les deux d’accord sur le fait qu’Assad doit partir», a martelé Obama lors d’une conférence de presse avec son hôte. «Il faut qu’il transmette le pouvoir à une autorité de transition, c’est la seule façon dont nous allons résoudre cette crise (...) Le plus tôt sera le mieux», a-t-il insisté, s’engageant à «continuer à faire monter la pression sur le régime Assad et à coopérer avec l’opposition syrienne».
Saluant la «générosité extraordinaire» de l’allié turc qui accueille quelque 400 000 réfugiés syriens sur son sol, Barack Obama a souligné qu’Ankara allait «jouer un rôle important au moment où nous réunissons des représentants du régime et de l’opposition dans les prochaines semaines». Il faisait allusion au processus dit «de Genève», né en juin 2012 et relancé la semaine dernière à l’instigation de Washington et de Moscou, protecteur jusqu’ici indéfectible du régime Assad. Ce processus prévoit l’organisation d’une conférence internationale consacrée à une transition politique en Syrie. Baptisée «Genève 2», cette réunion pourrait se tenir dans la ville suisse début juin.
Mais ni la Russie - qui a demandé que l’Iran et l’Arabie saoudite soient conviés à cette conférence - ni la Syrie n’acceptent l’idée qu'Assad soit exclu d’une telle transition, ce qui est en revanche une condition préalable pour les rebelles. De fait, a admis le président Obama, «il n’y a pas de formule magique face à une situation extraordinairement violente et compliquée comme celle de la Syrie».
Son homologue français François Hollande a, lui, plaidé pour «avoir avec la Russie cette discussion franche pour la convaincre que son intérêt, l’intérêt de la région, et l’intérêt de la paix, c’est d’en terminer avec Bachar al-Assad».
«Situation sanglante».....http://www.liberation.fr/monde/2013/05/17/obama-et-erdogan-exigent-a-nouveau-le-depart-d-assad-en-syrie_903593?xtor=rss-450
Russia Ready to Develop Long-Range Air Defense System with Turkey....
ReplyDeleteLIMA (Peru), May 19 (RIA Novosti)
– Russia is ready to develop jointly with Turkey a long-range air defense complex based on S-300 surface-to-air missile systems, state arms seller Rosoboronexport head Sergei Ladygin said on Sunday.
Turkey launched a tender for the purchase of long-range air defense systems long ago but no winner has been announced to this day.
“Russia is ready to offer as part of the tender a joint Russian-Turkish product based on the Antey-2500 system [the export version of the S-300 system]. For example, to mount the air defense system on the Turkish chassis,” Ladygin said at the weapons exhibition in the Peruvian capital of Lima.
Rosoboronexport has also proposed that Russia and Turkey join efforts to promote this air defense system on the markets of third countries, he said.
“That is, it is possible to discuss selling the license for the production of this system in other countries of the world,” he said.
The advanced version of the S-300 missile system, called S-300PMU1, has a range of over 150 kilometers (over 100 miles) and can intercept ballistic missiles and aircraft at low and high altitudes, making it effective in warding off air strikes.
The S-300V/Antey 2500 (SA-12 Gladiator/Giant) consists of a new command vehicle, an array of advanced radars and up to six loader vehicles assigned to each launcher.
Rosoboronexport has also offered to supply Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker fighter jets to Brazil outside a tender for the purchase of modern weaponry, Ladygin said.
Russia with its Su-35 fighter jet withdrew in 2009 from the tender's short list, which now includes Sweden with Gripen, the US with F-16 and France with Rafale.
“Although Russia has withdrawn from the tender, we nevertheless made a parallel offer to Brazil for out-of-tender participation with Pantsir missiles and Su-35 fighters. Our proposal is being examined,” he said.
Russia is ready to transfer the entire technology for the Su-35 production, he said.
“We are ready to transfer 100 percent of the technology for producing the Su-35 fighter, even with the elements of the technology for the fifth-generation aircraft,” he said.......http://en.rian.ru/military_news/20130519/181235938/Russia-Ready-to-Develop-Long-Range-Air-Defense-System-with.html
PM Erdogan to receive honorary doctorate from Morocco university....
ReplyDelete26 May 2013 11:50 (Last updated 26 May 2013 11:51)
Muhammad V University is set to award an honorary doctorate to Turkish PM Erdogan for his 'historic' stance on Palestine issue
Muhammad V University in the Moroccan capital of Rabat, the country's oldest university, will confer an honorary degree to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his official visit to the country in June.
The award, which will be presented to Erdogan in a ceremony scheduled on June 4, will be given "to draw attention to the significance of Turkey in the international arena under Erdogan's leadership, and in recognition of his historic stance on the Palestinian issue," said Abdurraheem Binhada, Dean of Humanities at the university.
"Turkey is a prime example for other countries who strive for development," Binhada said.
Recent Turkish investments in Morocco, as well as the Yunus Emre Institute, which functions within the university, help advance Turkish-Moroccan relations, he said.
Binhada said Turkey favors and supports Moroccan territorial integrity in the Western Sahara issue, a long drawn out dispute between the Moroccan state and ethnic Sahrawi people who seek independence in the region.
Furthermore, the two countries' policies are in agreement regarding the Syrian conflict, the dean said.
Binhada added his university was intent on opening a graduate program titled "Ottoman studies" within the department by 2014.
Egemen Bagis: Turkey's EU accession obstacled with prejudices..... "The EU without Turkey would remain as a continental project, while it will be globalized with the Turkey's accession."......
Turkey's European Union Minister (EU) and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis said, "Prejudices are the biggest obstacles that Turkey is facing in the negotiation process."
Speaking at the Jean Monnet Scholarship Program 2011-2012 Academic Year Certificate Ceremony at Ankara Rixos Otel, Bagis said, "The EU without Turkey would remain as a continental project, while it will be globalized with the Turkey's accession."
Highlighting that in comparison to newly accessed countries, Turkey's economy was in a much better situation, Bagis said, "Those who want to discuss Turkey's membership, should just pass Turkey's Kapikule bordergate (with Bulgaria) and look at both sides, then decide."
Bagis also said, "Prejudices are the biggest obstacles that Turkey is facing in the negotiation process."
Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, Head of EU's Delegation to Turkey, and Mevlud Cavusoglu, former president of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe between 2010 and 2012, also participated in the ceremony.
During his speech, Ripert reaffirmed the EU's commitment to Turkey's membership, while Cavusoglu, a Jean Monnet scholarship holder in 1993-1994 academic year, emphasized the importance of the scholarship in contributing to Turkey's accession process.
100 scholars of Jean Monnet scholarship holders of 2011-2012 academic year are comprised of employees from 21 public institutions, 11 private companies and students from 15 universities, who conducted their academic work in 10 EU countries under 23 EU chapters.
The Jean Monnet Scholarship Program, designed for Turkey, began in the 1990-1991 academic year.
Turkey's new EU minister takes over post...
ReplyDeleteNewly appointed Turkish Minister for European Union (EU) Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu has taken over the post from Egemen Bagis.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reshuffled his cabinet, naming ten new ministers following three ministerial resignations over the ongoing anti-graft operation late Wednesday.
Erdogan announced the new ministers after holding talks with President Abdullah Gul.
Earlier the same day, the ministers of economy, interior and environment resigned in response to the anti-graft operation with all three denying corruption allegations.
The Istanbul-based operation that was launched on December 17 has led to the arrest of two dozen high-profile bureaucrats, politicians and businessmen, including the sons of three key cabinet ministers and the head of state-owned lender Halkbank.
Cavusoglu is a founding member and a lawmaker of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party.
The new Minister for EU Affairs said he was taking over a "challenging post."
"It is a great responsibility to move the EU ministry one step further," he said. "I hope we will smooth the way for Turkey's EU membership process all together."
The minister also expressed hope that former minister Bagis would be assigned higher level duties.
After serving as Turkey's EU Minister and Chief Negotiator for five years, outgoing minister Bagis said while turning over his post on Thursday that Cavusoglu's appointment is a great benefit for the country's EU membership process.
Praising Cavusoglu's former post as chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from 2010 to 2012, Bagis referred to him as a very dignified politican.
Criticizing former environment and urbanization minister Erdogan Bayraktar, who called on Prime Minister Erdogan to also resign while announcing his resignation, Bagis said, "some ignored the country's welfare for their own interest."
Congratulating the newly appointed minister Cavusoglu on his new post, Bagis said, "I will always support him."
The outgoing minister, who was also accused of involvement in the courruption scandal, described it as a "conspiracy."