A US government report concluding Syria has used chemical weapons against rebels, crossing what US President Barack Obama has previously described as a “red line,” is a fabrication, a senior Russian lawmaker said Friday.
“Information about the usage of chemical weapons by [Syrian President Bashar] Assad is fabricated in the same way as the lie about [Saddam] Hussein's weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq],” Alexei Pushkov, head of the Russian lower house of parliament’s international affairs committee, said on Twitter.
US intelligence reports presented to the UN and the international community prior to the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 claimed Saddam Hussein’s regime possessed weapons of mass destruction including nerve agents, ballistic missiles and a nuclear weapons program. The US claimed the threat posed by those weapons justified the invasion of Iraq, but after the country was occupied, the alleged weapons of mass destruction were never found.
President Obama “is going the same way” as former President George W. Bush did then, Pushkov said.
The White House said on Thursday it now believes with “high confidence” that Syrian government forces have used chemical weapons many times during the two-year conflict there, and vowed to boost US aid to the armed opposition fighting to remove Assad from power.
White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said Obama had decided to provide further support, including military support, for Syrian opposition forces as a result of its conclusion that government forces has used such chemical weapons.
Rhodes declined to clarify whether this support would entail providing arms to the Syrian opposition, but said US aid to armed opposition on the ground would differ greatly “in scope and scale” from assistance Washington had previously provided to the rebels. The US goal, Rhodes said, is to “strengthen their effectiveness.”
Syrian government officials have accused opposition forces of using chemical weapons against President Bashar Assad's military in a March attack in outside of the northern city of Aleppo.
Some 93,000 people are believed to have died since fighting broke out between Syrian government forces and rebels in March 2011, according to the latest UN figures.
Updated at 11:02 to change "cooked" to "fabricated" in headline and first quote by Pushkov
EEUU estudia establecer zona de exclusión aérea en Siria.....
ReplyDeleteEl Gobierno de Estados Unidos baraja la posibilidad de establecer una zona de exclusión aérea en Siria, probablemente, cerca de la frontera sirio-jordana, informaron hoy agencias.
“Washington está considerando una zona de exclusión aérea para ayudar a los rivales de Asad”, dijeron bajo la condición de anonimato dos diplomáticos occidentales en Turquía.
La víspera, el viceconsejero de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, Ben Rhodes, aseguró que EEUU tiene pruebas del uso de armas químicas por parte del régimen sirio en los enfrentamientos con los rebeldes. Al mismo tiempo, el funcionario indicó que la imposición de una zona de exclusión aérea en Siria y no garantiza una mejora de la situación supone un coste incierto.
El pasado mayo, el canciller ruso Serguéi Lavrov, advirtió que una zona de exclusión aérea en Siria se percibiría en Moscú y Pekín como preparación de terreno para una intervención extranjera en el país.
Por otro lado, hoy se supo que los cazas F-16 y los sistemas Patriot estadounidenses no se retirarán del territorio jordano.
Según una fuente del Pentágono, después de unas consultas con las autoridades jordanas, Washington que ya cuenta con el consenso emplazará además en la costa del reino varios buques de desembarco.
Russia dismisses US claims of Syrian chemical weapons use....
ReplyDeleteMoscow says evidence it has been shown 'does not look convincing', and cautions US against arming Syrian rebels.....http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/14/russia-us-syria-chemical-weapons
US to leave air defense weapons in Jordan along Syrian border....
ReplyDeleteAs violence intensifies in nearby Syria, the country of Jordan will hold on to an arsenal of American fighter jets and a sophisticated anti-missile system when a multi-nation military drill wraps up later this month.
A United States defense official said on condition of anonymity Thursday that the Pentagon will keep a fleet of F-16 fighter plane and its Patriot anti-missile system in Jordan past the expiration of the 12-day Eager Lion exercise currently underway.
Jordan officials confirmed earlier this month that the US would be deploying the weaponry during the exercises, but a source speaking to Agence France-Presse now says those items will stay overseas indefinitely.
“It was decided the assets would remain in place,” the official told AFP.
AFP’s report was published at the same time this week that the US ramped up claims that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own civilians. The White House told members of Congress Thursday that Assad had crossed a “red line” previously warned of by President Barack Obama, and Washington is expected to soon start providing military aid to Syrian rebels. .......http://rt.com/usa/syrian-weapons-us-jordan-711/