Demonstrators across Europe have embarked on protests against government austerity measures.Protesters took to the streets in Spain, Portugal and Greece on Saturday to direct their anger against the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB) while in Germany, demonstrators rallied for the second day in succession.
Protesters say they are demonstrating against the institutions' role in pushing for austerity cutbacks as a way to fight the continent's debt crisis.
On Friday, members of the Blockupy alliance linked arms for several hours in the streets of Germany's financial capital, Frankfurt, blocking routes leading up to the ECB.
A spokesman for the ECB said the bank remained in operation, without providing details about where its employees were working.
Along with the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund, the ECB is part of the so-called troika that monitors compliance with the conditions of bailout loans negotiated by the governments of Greece, Portugal and Ireland.
'A success'
Those conditions include spending cuts and tax increases aimed at reducing debt. The measures, however, have also worsened recessions and unemployment.
After the ECB demonstration, several hundred protesters moved to Deutsche Bank's nearby headquarters.
Their spokesman Roland Suess said the demonstration was a success: "We wanted to blockade the ECB and we did that with more than 3,000 people.''
The Blockupy movement includes people who participated in the Occupy movement which protested against the role of global capitalism by camping out in cities in a number of countries, as well as critics of globalisation and embers of left-wing organisations.
The unemployment rate across the 17 European countries that use the euro hit a record 12.2 percent in April, and the number of unemployed is on track to reach 20 million by year's end.
The worsening jobs crisis points to the recession that has gripped the euro alliance.
Many countries are struggling to stimulate growth while grappling with a debt crisis that's led governments to slash spending and raise taxes.
Europe: milliers de manifestants contre l'austérité, de Francfort à Lisbonne....
ReplyDeletePar LEXPRESS.fr, publié le 01/06/2013 à 22:05, mis à jour à 22:05
Des milliers de personnes ont manifesté samedi en Allemagne, en Espagne et au Portugal contre les politiques d'austérité dans le cadre d'une journée européenne de protestation.
Γερμανία: 7.000 διαδηλωτές φώναζαν "Έξω το ΔΝΤ από την Ελλάδα".....
ReplyDeleteΗ έναρξη της κινητοποίησης ήταν ειρηνική αλλά στη συνέχεια μικρές ομάδες κουκουλοφόρων άρχισαν να εκτοξεύουν πέτρες και καπνογόνα εναντίον αστυνομικών.....
Χρησιμοποιώντας σπρέι πιπεριού και γκλομπ η γερμανική αστυνομία προσπάθησε να διαλύσει τη συγκέντρωση του αντικαπιταλιστικού κινήματος Blockupy που είχε οργανωθεί σήμερα, για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη ημέρα, στη Φραγκφούρτη, σε ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας για την πολιτική λιτότητας που εφαρμόζεται στην Ευρώπη.
Περίπου 7.000 διαδηλωτές συμμετείχαν στην πορεία και πολλοί από αυτούς κρατούσαν πανώ με συνθήματα όπως "Έξω το ΔΝΤ από την Ελλάδα" και "Κάντε έρωτα, όχι πόλεμο".
Η έναρξη της κινητοποίησης ήταν ειρηνική αλλά στη συνέχεια μικρές ομάδες κουκουλοφόρων άρχισαν να εκτοξεύουν πέτρες και καπνογόνα εναντίον των αστυνομικών που απάντησαν δυναμικά.
Πολλοί διαδηλωτές και αστυνομικοί τραυματίστηκαν.........http://www.epikaira.gr/epikairo.php?id=60392&category_id=541
Europeans protest against 'Troika' austerity measures.....
ReplyDeleteAnti-austerity protesters have taken to the streets of dozens of European cities, including Madrid, Lisbon and Frankfurt, to express their anger at government spending cuts.
They say the austerity measures imposed by the so-called "troika" of international lenders are making the financial crisis worse by stifling growth and increasing unemployment.
In Spain, thousands marched peacefully toward Madrid’s central Neptuno fountain near Parliament, chanting "Government, resign." Joblessness in the country has grown for seven quarters in a row. It has left 6 million people out of work, including over half of under 25-year-olds.
Meanwhile in Portugal, thousands marched in Lisbon and many thousands in other cities. They demanded the resignation of the government and called for an end to austerity. The protest came a day after Portugal’s largest labor union called a general strike for June the 27th.
In Germany, organisers of the "Blockupy" protest said up to 20-thousand people had come to demonstrate against the ECB’s role in pushing European countries to cut government spending. Frankfurt police said officers used pepper spray and batons to stop some protesters from breaking through police lines. Television images showed paramedics treating a handful of protesters for exposure to pepper spray. Police said no arrests or injuries had been reported so far.