Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi on Saturday
announced that Egypt was cutting all ties with Syria, and ordered the
Syrian embassy in Cairo closed.
We supported Hezbollah during Lebanon war and today we stand against Hezbollah in its aggression on Syria,” said Morsi, adding that there will be no role for the current Syrian regime and the terror group in Syria’s future.
The Egyptian president called Hezbollah to
leave Syria, where the group has been fighting alongside regime forces
loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad.
He also called on the international community
to implement a no-fly zone over Syria, where some 93,000 people have
been killed so far in the two-year war, according to the latest UN
On Thursday, a senior official in Egypt’s
presidency said Egyptians are free to join the fight in Syria and will
not be prosecuted upon return.
In a response to an Associated Press question
Thursday about the government’s stance on citizens going to fight
alongside Syrian rebels, Khaled al-Qazzaz said that “the right of travel
or freedom of travel is open for all Egyptians.”
He said that after the 2011 uprising, the
government no longer punishes Egyptians for what they do in other
countries. Al-Qazzaz, a foreign affairs adviser to Morsi, said the
presidency does not consider Egyptian nationals in Syria a threat to
Egypt’s security.
His comments come just days after influential
Egyptian cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi urged Sunnis everywhere to join the
fight against Assad.
Syria’s relations with Arab nations have progressively worsened as the violence in the country spiraled out of control.
In March, the Arab League granted the Damascus seat to Assad’s opposition at the 24th summit.
The 22-member bloc suspended Syria’s seat in
November 2011, following the Assad regime’s violent crackdown on
anti-government demonstrators in the country.
That same month, the Syrian opposition opened its first embassy in Doha, Qatar.
Αίγυπτος: Διακοπή διπλωματικών σχέσεων με τη Συρία....
ReplyDeleteΔιέκοψε η Αίγυπτος τις διπλωματικές της σχέσεις με το συριακό καθεστώς, ενώ απαίτηση την αποχώρηση της Χεζμπολάχ από τη Συρία.
Μιλώντας σε συγκέντρωση σουνιτών μουσουλμάνων κληρικών στο Κάιρο, ο πρόεδρος της Αιγύπτου Μόρσι ανέφερε: «Αποφασίσαμε σήμερα να να διακόψουμε τις σχέσεις μας με τη Συρία και με το τωρινό συριακό καθεστώς».
Παράλληλα, κάλεσε τους υποστηρικτές του Άσαν στη Χεζμπολάχ να αποσυρθούν από τη Συρία. «Αντιτιθέμεθα στην επιθετικότητα της Χεζμπολάχ κατά του συριακού λαού» είπε.
Morsi says Egypt cuts all ties with Damascus, calls for Syria no-fly zone....
ReplyDeleteEgypt has decided to cut all ties with Syria, close the embassy in Cairo and withdraw the Egyptian envoy from Damascus, said Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. He also urged the international powers to impose a no-fly zone over Syria.
"We have decided to close down the Syrian embassy in Cairo," said Morsi during a conference of Sunni Muslim clerics in support of the Syrian uprising at Cairo Indoor Stadium, according to local newspaper Ahram online. "The Egyptian envoy in Damascus will also be withdrawn."
The decision comes into effect Saturday.
The President added that Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamic militant group based in Lebanon.
"We stand against Hezbollah in its aggression against the Syrian people," Morsi said. "There is no space or place for Hezbollah in Syria.”
Hezbollah fighters have reportedly been fighting alongside Syrian pro-government troops against the opposition forces in the ongoing conflict.......
El gobierno sirio repudió la decisión de Egipto de cortar relaciones diplomáticas
ReplyDeleteEl régimen de Damasco calificó de "irresponsable" la decisión del presidente egipcio.......
Syria slams Egypt's decision to cut off ties with Damascus as "irresponsible".....
ReplyDeleteDAMASCUS, June 16 (Xinhua) -- A Syrian official source slammed the decision of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to cut off diplomatic relations with Damascus as "irresponsible."
Morsi's calls for a foreign intervention and imposing a no fly zone on Syria constitute an infringement upon the region's sovereignty and serve only the interests of Israel and the United States, said the unnamed source, whose remarks were carried by the state-TV.
A day earlier, Egypt's President Morsi said he had decided to cut off all diplomatic relations with Syria and close the Syrian embassy in Cairo. He also urged the Western powers to impose a no- fly zone on Syria.
"We condemn Morsi's irresponsible stance that mirrors his attempt to implement the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood," the Syrian source said, scoffing that Morsi should have saved his " enthusiasm" to the time when he boycotts Israel that is still killing Palestinians.
For his part, Syria's Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said he wished if Morsi had declared ending diplomatic relations with Israel instead.
Morsi's stance, alongside other anti-Syrian government countries, came against the backdrop of sweeping victories by the Syrian army on several fronts in the country.