Turkish President Abdullah Gül warned that the image of Turkey, which is
created with efforts for ten years, might be destroyed in a week,
calling on protesters to end their street demonstrations.“You make effort to make this image [of Turkey] in 10 years, but you can destroy it in a week,” Gül told reporters in Ankara today.
“It was important to listen to the objections to [projects in] the park. It was very important to open a dialogue. You have seen that the meetings took place and [the protesters] were listened. The planned project [in Gezi Park] is suspended. It is clear that the messages are paid attention to,” Gül said.
“The demonstrations in the streets must certainly come to an end. Nobody is aware but I talk to the business world. Some hesitations started to emerge,” said Gül, adding that the big investments in the country should not be shaken. He also said that a regulation on social media should not be lag behind the European Union jurisdiction and called on to restart the reform process as part of Turkey’s bid to the EU. He also called on the European Parliament not to be unbalanced while criticizing Turkey.
Protest in Istanbul/Constantinople...... TURKISH RIOTS LIVE RT..... Gezi Parkı olaylarında son durum
Using pepper spray a natural right of police, says Turkish PM Erdoğan .....
ReplyDeleteTurkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan today defended the tough police crackdown on Gezi Park protestors, saying that the police acted within the boundaries of democracy and the law.
“I listened to the representatives of the protestors,” Erdoğan said at the parliamentary group meeting of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). “They all said police used force. When I asked what the force was, they said the police used pepper spray. It’s their natural right, they will use it. When you do not do what you are told to do, police will use their authority.”
Erdoğan said the security forces acted with patience and within the boundaries of democracy and laws. “Did the police use guns? No.”
“In fact, our police have taken a democratic stance against systematic violence and have successfully passed the test of democracy.”
Dışişleri Bakanı Davutoğlu “Avrupa Parlamentosu'nun kararı kabul edilemez”....
ReplyDeleteAvrupa Parlamentosu’nun 13 Haziran 2013 tarihinde kabul ettiği “Türkiye'deki Durum” konulu karara ilişkin olarak bir basın açıklaması yapan Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu “Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun kararı usul, üslup ve esas açısından kabul edilemez.” dedi.
Türkiye'nin birinci sınıf bir demokrasi olduğunu, fikir ve gösteri özgürlüğü gibi evrensel değerleri hep savunduğunu belirten Dışişleri Bakanı Davutoğlu, "Geçtiğimiz yıllara baktığımızda usul açısından Avrupa Parlamentosu'nun özellikle ekonomik kriz bağlamında tepki olarak ortaya konan birçok gösterilerde benzer bir karar almadığını müşahade ediyoruz. Zaten, Avrupa Birliği şu ana kadar maalesef Türkiye’ye müzakereler konusunda hep çifte standart uyguladı. Son Avrupa Parlamentosu kararı da çiftçe standart örneğidir. Avrupa Parlamentosu'nun Türkiye sözkonusu olduğunda böyle bir tutum sergilemesini kabul edilemez buluyoruz" diye konuştu.......http://www.mfa.gov.tr/disisleri-bakani-davutoglu-_avrupa-parlamentosu_nun-karari-kabul-edilemez.tr.mfa