LONDON, June 16 (RIA Novosti) – President Vladimir Putin on Sunday
defended Russia’s weapons supplies to Syria saying they are in the
framework of the international law.
“If we speak calmly, I want to stress that Russia supplies arms to the legitimate government of Syria in full compliance with the norms of international law and we call on our partners to act in the same way,” Putin told reporters after talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday.
“We are not breaching any rules,” Putin said.
"I think you will not deny that one does not really need to back the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies and eat their intestines," Putin said referring to a video footage of a rebel eating what appeared to be a government soldier’s heart.
“Do you want to support these people? Do you want to supply these people with arms?” Putin said adding that this has no relation to humanitarian values in Europe.
Speaking on the planned international conference on Syria proposed earlier by Russia and the United States, Putin said: “I don’t think this conference is ruined.” “I fully agree with the Prime Minister [Cameron] that this is one of the most appropriate means of resolving the Syrian problem,” he said.
Putin said he hoped the upcoming G8 summit in Northern Ireland “will have a positive influence” on the Syrian conflict.
The US said this week that it had clear evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government had used chemical weapons against the rebels. The claim was supported by Britain, but dismissed as “unconvincing” on Friday by Russia, which is widely viewed as an ally of Syria and has vetoed several Western-backed UN Security Council resolutions aimed to pressure Assad into ending the use of force.
Russian officials have previously said they will deliver on existing arms deals with Syria involving "defensive weapons," but President Putin said recently that the S-300 sale had not been completed.
The delivery of S-300 is of significance, defense analysts say, as it is a highly capable system which would make any outside intervention by foreign air forces extremely hazardous.
Updated at 22.46 with Putin's quotes.
“If we speak calmly, I want to stress that Russia supplies arms to the legitimate government of Syria in full compliance with the norms of international law and we call on our partners to act in the same way,” Putin told reporters after talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday.
“We are not breaching any rules,” Putin said.
"I think you will not deny that one does not really need to back the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies and eat their intestines," Putin said referring to a video footage of a rebel eating what appeared to be a government soldier’s heart.
“Do you want to support these people? Do you want to supply these people with arms?” Putin said adding that this has no relation to humanitarian values in Europe.
Speaking on the planned international conference on Syria proposed earlier by Russia and the United States, Putin said: “I don’t think this conference is ruined.” “I fully agree with the Prime Minister [Cameron] that this is one of the most appropriate means of resolving the Syrian problem,” he said.
Putin said he hoped the upcoming G8 summit in Northern Ireland “will have a positive influence” on the Syrian conflict.
The US said this week that it had clear evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government had used chemical weapons against the rebels. The claim was supported by Britain, but dismissed as “unconvincing” on Friday by Russia, which is widely viewed as an ally of Syria and has vetoed several Western-backed UN Security Council resolutions aimed to pressure Assad into ending the use of force.
Russian officials have previously said they will deliver on existing arms deals with Syria involving "defensive weapons," but President Putin said recently that the S-300 sale had not been completed.
The delivery of S-300 is of significance, defense analysts say, as it is a highly capable system which would make any outside intervention by foreign air forces extremely hazardous.
Updated at 22.46 with Putin's quotes.
- Putin: Do not arm Syrian rebels who 'eat human organs'
- Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat den Westen davor gewarnt, Waffen an die syrischen Rebellen zu liefern. "Diese Menschen essen die Organe ihrer Feinde"
Outrage at Syrian rebel shown 'eating soldier's heart'
Η Μόσχα υπολογίζει στην κατανόηση του Ισραήλ σχετικά με τα συστήματα S-300
Πούτιν προς Δύση: Θέλετε να εξοπλίσετε αντάρτες που τρώνε ανθρώπινα όργανα;.....
ReplyDelete«Δε θα αρνηθείτε πως δεν χρειάζεται πραγματικά να υποστηρίξετε αυτούς που, όχι μονάχα σκοτώνουν τους εχθρούς τους, αλλά [μετέπειτα] ανοίγουν τα πτώματά τους και τρώνε τα έντερά τους δημόσια, ενώπιον των τηλεοπτικών φακών», δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά ο ρώσος πρόεδρος, αναφερόμενος στην απόφαση των ΗΠΑ να εξοπλίσουν τους σύρους αντικαθεστωτικούς......Πηγή:
‘Don’t arm maniacs’: London’s mayor opposes weapon support for Syrian rebels.....
ReplyDeleteArming the Syrian rebels would be “pressing weapons into the hands of maniacs and Al-Qaeda thugs,” London’s mayor has warned. His is the latest call in a wave of rhetoric urging the UK prime minister not to provide the Syrian rebels with weapons.
Writing for British publication The Telegraph, Boris Johnson wrote that the UK must not use Syria as “an arena for muscle flexing.”
“We can’t use Syria as an arena for geopolitical point-scoring or muscle-flexing, and we won’t get a ceasefire by pressing weapons into the hands of maniacs,” wrote Johnson.
He joins a number of prominent British political and social figures in an attempt to dissuade Prime Minister David Cameron from sending arms to the Syrian opposition.
"Liefert Europa Waffen, wird es den Preis zahlen".....
ReplyDeleteSyriens Präsident Assad hat Europas Länder vor Waffenlieferungen an seine Gegner gewarnt – sonst würden sie sich zum Ziel für Anschläge machen. Deutschland lobte er für dessen "rationale" Haltung.
Der syrische Staatschef Baschar al-Assad hat europäische Staaten davor gewarnt, Waffen an die Aufständischen in seinem Land zu liefern. "Wenn die Europäer Waffen liefern, wird der Hinterhof Europas terroristisch, und Europa wird den Preis dafür zahlen", sagte Assad in einem Interview der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung".
Eine Folge von Lieferungen an die Aufständischen wäre der Export des Terrorismus nach Europa, sagte Assad. "Terroristen werden kampferfahren und mit extremistischer Ideologie ausgerüstet zurückkehren." Assad warf einigen europäischen Ländern vor, zwischen ",guten' und ,schlechten' Kämpfern" im Lager seiner Gegner zu unterscheiden, "so wie sie vor ein paar Jahren zwischen ,guten' und ,schlechten' Taliban sowie einer ,guten' und ,schlechten' al-Qaida unterschieden haben. Ist das vernünftig?"
Assad kritisierte besonders Frankreich und Großbritannien scharf dafür, dass diese "gegenüber dem syrischen Staat eine feindselige Haltung" einnähmen. "Die anderen Staaten, in erster Linie Deutschland, stellen rationale Fragen zu Waffenlieferungen an Terroristen."......
Siria, tre francescani decapitati da Al Nusra....
ReplyDeleteTrovati 16 corpi torturati a morte a Damasco ....
DAMASCO - Tre monaci francescani del convento di Ghassanieh, in Siria, sono stati decapitati dal Fronte Al Nusra, dopo un processo sommario nel quale sono stati accusati di "essere al soldo del regime". Lo scrive Radio France International, affermando che il gruppo di jihadisti ha pubblicato il video dell'esecuzione sul web.
Il 24 giugno padre Pierbattista Pizzaballa, custode di Terra Santa, riferendo le parole del suo ministro regionale della Siria, padre Halim Noujaim, aveva raccontato la razzia del giorno prima da parte di un gruppo di ribelli che entrato nel convento di Ghassanieh lo aveva prima spogliato di tutto e poi distrutto. Nel raid, recitava il comunicato, "i ribelli avevano anche ucciso un eremita cattolico, padre Francois, che era rifugiato nel convento".
Rfi ha precisato. Nel raid del 23 i jihadisti hanno rapito tre religiosi, tra i quali anche padre Francois, e qualche giorno dopo hanno messo in piedi un vero e proprio 'processo', accusando i religiosi di essere "al soldo del regime" perché "nell'agenda di uno di loro compariva il numero di un militare dell'esercito siriano". I tre sono stati anche accusati di aver favorito il trasporto di armi e munizioni per conto del regime. Sono stati 'condannati' e decapitati......
Лавров: поставки оружия в Сирию должна расследовать ООН....
ReplyDeleteГлава МИД России Сергей Лавров считает, что ООН должна расследовать сообщения о поставках ливийского оружия в Сирию.
"СМИ США и других стран сообщают не только о планах администрации США по поставкам вооружений оппозиции, но и уже об осуществляющихся поставках из стран региона, в том числе из Ливии, которые закупают европейские страны и через Персидский залив направляют в Сирию", — обратил внимание министр.
"Причем, по сообщениям СМИ, такие контрабандные поставки оружия из Ливии осуществляются уже достаточно давно. Безусловно, если это правда, это является грубым нарушением полного эмбарго на поставки оружия как в Ливию, так и из нее. Комитет ООН должен обратить внимание на эти публикации", — подчеркнул глава российского внешнеполитического ведомства, передает ИТАР-ТАСС.
Конфликт в Сирии начался два года назад. Счет погибшим идет на десятки тысяч, миллионы людей стали беженцами. Ранее сообщалось, что президент США Барак Обама принял решение о поставках оружия сирийской оппозиции. По словам заместителя советника по национальной безопасности Бена Родса, пока принято принципиальное решение о предоставлении военной помощи. Вопрос о том, какое именно оружие пойдет боевикам, Обама обсудит с конгрессом в ближайшие недели.