The initiators of the UN Human Rights Council’s special session on Syria are attempting to shield terrorists from airstrikes in Aleppo, Russia's envoy to the UN office in Geneva (UNOG) Alexei Borodavkin said Friday.
The international assessments of the situation in Syria are far from reality, Borodavkin said.
Today’s session is an example of this. Instead of supporting the Syrian government and the people in the fight against international terrorism, its initiators are trying to take terrorists away from the strike, save them from destruction, allow them to regroup and continue their atrocities," Borodavkin said at the session.
The draft human rights council resolution on Aleppo presented by the United Kingdom essentially aims to justify the actions of jihadists, he said.
"We have to state that both the session and the draft are a part of information war which essentially aims to justify jihadists and their actions," Borodavkin said.
The international assessments of the situation in Syria are far from reality, Borodavkin said.
"The Human Rights Council has been considering the Syrian dossier for five years, and the assessments of the situation are moving closer from reality due to efforts of a certain group of countries.
Today’s session is an example of this. Instead of supporting the Syrian government and the people in the fight against international terrorism, its initiators are trying to take terrorists away from the strike, save them from destruction, allow them to regroup and continue their atrocities," Borodavkin said at the session.
The draft human rights council resolution on Aleppo presented by the United Kingdom essentially aims to justify the actions of jihadists, he said.
"We have to state that both the session and the draft are a part of information war which essentially aims to justify jihadists and their actions," Borodavkin said.
L’Onu coupe le micro du représentant russe alors qu’il évoquait la Syrie...
ReplyDeleteL'ambassadeur de Russie au siège genevois de l'Onu s’est vu couper son micro alors qu’il abordait le thème des dégâts causés à Alep par la coalition dirigée par les Etats-Unis et évoquait les frappes de la coalition contre des civils et l’armée syrienne.
Rejeter la faute sur la Russie est devenu une habitude. Voilà ce qui se passe lorsque l’on met en lumière les torts de la coalition US.
Alexeï Borodavkine, ambassadeur de Russie au siège genevois de l'Onu, a évoqué vendredi à Genève les crimes de la coalition américaine à Alep, ou a tenté de le faire, pour être plus précis.
M. Borodavkine a ainsi déclaré que le point de vue international sur la Syrie ne correspondait pas à la réalité. Il a également ajouté que les initiateurs de la réunion du Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies tentaient à dessein de passer sous silence sur les crimes commis par les terroristes à Alep, en Syrie......