Russian defense Ministry affirmed on Tuesday that the situation in the Iraqi city of Mosul is different from that in Aleppo, saying that “the attack on the residential neighborhoods in Mosul may lead to a big number of victims.”
Spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry, General Igor Konashenkov, commenting on statements by spokesperson of US Department of State John Kirby, said that the situation in Mosul is different from that of Aleppo where there are humanitarian corridors, journalists and activists.
“The Syrian government and Russia have opened 6 routes to evacuate the civilians from the eastern neighborhoods, but the gunmen targeted them,” Konashenkov added.
Terrorists in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo take the civilians as human shields and prevent them from leaving the area through the safe routes opened by the Syrian government.
***Humanitarian corridors in Mosul were not even discussed, "as if the city with a population of one million is populated only by terrorists".
Spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry, General Igor Konashenkov, commenting on statements by spokesperson of US Department of State John Kirby, said that the situation in Mosul is different from that of Aleppo where there are humanitarian corridors, journalists and activists.
“The Syrian government and Russia have opened 6 routes to evacuate the civilians from the eastern neighborhoods, but the gunmen targeted them,” Konashenkov added.
Terrorists in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo take the civilians as human shields and prevent them from leaving the area through the safe routes opened by the Syrian government.
***Humanitarian corridors in Mosul were not even discussed, "as if the city with a population of one million is populated only by terrorists".
Les militaires russes ont expliqué au département d’État US quelle était la différence entre l’offensive sur Mossoul et l’opération de libération d’Alep lancée par les forces syriennes avec le concours des militaires russes...
ReplyDeleteL'offensive lancée par l'armée irakienne et la coalition internationale contre Daech à Mossoul et l'opération de libération d'Alep en Syrie par les militaires syriens et russes présentent des différences fondamentales, a déclaré mardi le porte-parole du ministère russe de la Défense Igor Konachenkov. « Il y a effectivement des différences entre la situation dans la ville syrienne d'Alep et l'assaut de Mossoul en Irak. Nous sommes prêts à les préciser à l'amiral John Kirby », a indiqué M. Konachenkov, commentant les propos de l'amiral Kirby qui avait insisté sur une différence fondamentale entre la situation à Alep et à Mossoul......