Monday, July 8, 2024

Poland, Ukraine sign security agreement

 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk signed a bilateral security agreement in Warsaw on Monday, just one day before the start of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) summit in Washington.

The agreement spells out Poland's continued defense support for Ukraine, especially air defense. Poland also pledged to support energy security for Ukraine, and participate in reconstruction.

The European Union (EU) and 19 countries have signed similar agreements with Ukraine, Tusk noted.

The document includes practical bilateral commitments, not just "empty promises," he added.


  1. Ukraine and Poland signed an agreement on security guarantees.

    The security agreement stipulates the formation of a volunteer legion in Poland with the possible participation of foreigners, - Zelensky.

    The President of Ukraine also said that now citizens of Ukraine who are in Poland, Lithuania and other EU countries will be able to voluntarily join the defense of Ukraine.

  2. Poland allowed the transfer of at least one squadron of MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine as part of the signed security agreement. This was stated by the press service of Vladimir Zelensky’s office. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk previously clarified that Warsaw is ready to take such a step provided that NATO countries give the opportunity to replace the MiG with other aircraft.

    “Poland will consider the possibility of transferring at least one additional MiG-29 squadron (at least 14 fighters) to Ukraine,” says a message published on the website of Zelensky’s office.

  3. A newly signed pact between Warsaw and Kiev contains provisions that would allow Poland to shoot down Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace, Vladimir Zelensky has said.

    Zelensky spoke in Warsaw on Monday, after signing the security deal with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The government in Kiev has been making bilateral pacts with NATO member states over the past several months, in lieu of formally joining the US-led bloc.

    Tusk confirmed the existence of the provisions but said it merely “indicates the need for talks on this matter,” according to Polish media.

    1. Ein neu unterzeichneter Pakt zwischen Warschau und Kiew enthält Bestimmungen, die es Polen erlauben, russische Raketen und Drohnen im ukrainischen Luftraum abzuschießen.

      Dies gab Selenskij am Montag in Warschau bekannt, nachdem er ein entsprechendes Sicherheitsabkommen mit dem polnischen Premierminister Donald Tusk unterzeichnet hatte. Die Regierung in Kiew hat in den vergangenen Monaten bilaterale Pakte mit NATO-Mitgliedsstaaten geschlossen, anstatt dem von den USA geführten Block formell beizutreten.

    2. Tusk bestätigte eine entsprechende Vereinbarung, räumte jedoch ein, dass sie lediglich "auf die Notwendigkeit von Gesprächen in dieser Angelegenheit hinweist", wie polnische Medien berichteten.

    3. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that he plans to raise the issue of intercepting Russian missiles and drones over Ukrainian territory at the next NATO summit.


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