The United States Geological Service's (USGS) Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii issued on Sunday a Tsunami alert after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake was registered in New Zealand' s South Island.
The earthquake ocurred at 11:03 (GMT) Some 53 Km NNE of Amberley, (New Zealand) and its epicentre was located at a depth of 23 Kilometres (14 m).
The Tsunami alert was activated when a 2.5 m drawdown was observed at the Kaikoura tide station (New Zealand).
Soon after, Tsunami alert sirens were heard throughout New Zealand as the authorities warned the east Coast and Chatham islands populations to expect "three to five metre waves and insisted in reaching higher grounds" according to a Civil Defence Tweet.
The first Tsunami tidal wave surge hit New Zealand's east coast as over 100 aftershocks were still being felt during the 7.8 earthquake aftermath, however, authorities didn't inform of any casualties nor serious damage, although they did warn that the first wave "may not be the largest", adding that the threat - and the waves - could continue for some hours.
The first evacuations took place in the north eastern coast, where the earthquake was more strongly felt.
The New Zealand Ministery of Civil Defence has recommended the following self-protection measures to all people in coastal areas: 1. Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities) 2. Stay off beaches and shore areas 3. Do not go sightseeing 4. Share information with family, neighbours and friends 5. Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates 6. Follow instructions of local civil defence authorities 7. If a land threat is forecasted for your area, take appropriate evasive action.
Emergency services did confirm some damage in buildings and roads in the Cheviot area.
On Feb. 22, 2011, around 185 persons died in a 6.3 earthquake that shook Christchurch, on the South Island, causing damages to some 30,000 buildings.
The earthquake ocurred at 11:03 (GMT) Some 53 Km NNE of Amberley, (New Zealand) and its epicentre was located at a depth of 23 Kilometres (14 m).
The Tsunami alert was activated when a 2.5 m drawdown was observed at the Kaikoura tide station (New Zealand).
Soon after, Tsunami alert sirens were heard throughout New Zealand as the authorities warned the east Coast and Chatham islands populations to expect "three to five metre waves and insisted in reaching higher grounds" according to a Civil Defence Tweet.
The first Tsunami tidal wave surge hit New Zealand's east coast as over 100 aftershocks were still being felt during the 7.8 earthquake aftermath, however, authorities didn't inform of any casualties nor serious damage, although they did warn that the first wave "may not be the largest", adding that the threat - and the waves - could continue for some hours.
- Local heavy rain and wind is expected till Tuesday which may complicate relief and emergency responders task.
The first evacuations took place in the north eastern coast, where the earthquake was more strongly felt.
The New Zealand Ministery of Civil Defence has recommended the following self-protection measures to all people in coastal areas: 1. Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities) 2. Stay off beaches and shore areas 3. Do not go sightseeing 4. Share information with family, neighbours and friends 5. Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates 6. Follow instructions of local civil defence authorities 7. If a land threat is forecasted for your area, take appropriate evasive action.
Emergency services did confirm some damage in buildings and roads in the Cheviot area.
- New Zealand sits on the fault that separates the Pacific and Oceania tectonic plates which registers an average of 14,000 tremors per year of which 100 to 150 are strong enough to be felt on the surface.
On Feb. 22, 2011, around 185 persons died in a 6.3 earthquake that shook Christchurch, on the South Island, causing damages to some 30,000 buildings.
- Magnitude Mw 7.9
Date time 2016-11-13 11:02:58.3 UTC
Location 42.70 S ; 172.99 E
Depth 10 km
216 km SW of Wellington, New Zealand / pop: 382,000 / local time: 00:02:58.3 2016-11-14
97 km N of Christchurch, New Zealand / pop: 364,000 / local time: 00:02:58.3 2016-11-14
56 km N of Amberley, New Zealand / pop: 1,200 / local time: 00:02:58.3 2016-11-14
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